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Closure of 10 hospitals:
Aggrieving the masses in Isabela

 Basahin ang artikulong ito sa Pilipino

More than 430,000 people in Isabela will be further deprived of primary health services with the impending closure of 10 small public hospitals in the province. Through Memorandum No. 6, Series 2002, the provincial government has ordered the "merger" of the 10 hospitals with district hospitals supposedly due to lack of funds. This is a preliminary step towards the eventual privatization of the hospitals.

The hospitals service more than 260 remote barangays (see table). Their closure will mean that residents, mostly farmers, will have to travel farther should they need medical attention. In the case of Dinapigue, the next nearest hospital is in the town of Palanan, an hour and a half by sea.

The provincial government of Isabela claims that the measure is necessary for the modernization of health services in the province. The need for specialization and modern equipment can supposedly be addressed only if the scarce funds are poured in for the purpose.

The provincial chapter of the Alliance of Health Workers (AHW) has criticized such a rationale because it deviates from the current needs of the majority of Isabela residents. The AHW said that what the vast majority of the people needed was primary health care. The social services reaching farmers in the province, limited and backward as they are, will now be completely cut off, according to the Danggayan dagiti Mannalon ti Isabela (DAGAMI), a provincial peasant organization.

Aside from the patent neglect of the farmers� health, the closure of the 10 hospitals will also result in the termination of the hospitals� workers.

The lack of funds being used as a rationale by the province of Isabela for the closure and planned privatization of the 10 hospitals is due to the reactionary government�s abandonment of its responsibility to provide health care to the people.

The national government implemented the devolution of the delivery of health service supposedly to bring it closer to the people. Such responsibility was passed on to local governments. But just as what the provincial government of Isabela is now doing, devolution has only rendered health care even more inaccessible to the majority of the people.

Hospitals ordered closed by the Isabela provincial government
 Number of brgys. serviced
E. Marasigan Municipal HospitalSta Maria 20
San Antonio Municipal HospitalIlagan 20
San Mariano Medicare & Community HospitalSan Mariano 36+
Jones Medicare & Community HospitalJones 42
San Guillermo Emergency HospitalSan Guillermo 26
Quezon Emergency HospitalQuezon 15
Quirino Medicare & Community HospitalQuirino 15
Dinapigue Emergency HospitalDinapigue 18
Faustino Dy Memorial HospitalCauayan 25+
Tumauini District HospitalTumauini 46
 Total 263+

DAGAMI and AHW jointly oppose the closure of the 10 hospitals. In April, more than 250 people, including doctors and other health workers marched towards the provincial capitol of Isabela. In response, provincial governor Faustino Dy Jr. suspended 13 doctors who joined the march. Those who opposed the move were threatened, pressured and branded as communists.


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August 2002
English Edition

Macapagal-Arroyo�s puppetry intensifies

US military intervention
Plucked from the garbage heap
Vigilantism in Davao to be practiced on a nationwide scale
Country�s health system in the throes of death
Philhealth, instrument for amassing profits
Continuing struggle at Tala Leprosarium
Closure of 10 hospitals:
Aggrieving the masses in Isabela
GMA 50 Program:
Failed solution to the people�s severe health problems

Reports from Correspondents:
Agrarian revolution campaign in Ilocos and Cordillera, vctorious

Reports from Correspondents:
Tobacco prices raised

Big blow to US imperialism:
Corporate fraud and the Bush connection

Ang Bayan is the official news organ of the Communist Party of the Philippines issued by the CPP Central Committee. It provides news about the work of the Party as well as its analysis of and standpoint on current issues.

AB comes out fortnightly. It is published originally in Pilipino and translated into Bisaya, Ilokano, Waray, Hiligaynon and English.

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