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Ka Jiji and Ka Alex: Young women fighters

 Basahin ang artikulong ito sa Pilipino

Ka Alex and Ka Jiji are among the women Red fighters of an oversized platoon of the New People's Army (NPA) in the southern guerrilla front of Cagayan Valley. Ka Alex, 23, is her squad's political guide and Ka Jiji, 19, serves as her team's political guide. The women Red fighters comprise 25% of the people's army in this guerrilla front.

"Women are given the highest respect in the movement and their rights are thoroughly recognized," says Ka Jiji. "And this is genuine respect, unlike in bourgeois society where 'respect' is based on women's so-called frailties."

Ka Alex stated proudly that, "It was only here that I felt fully valued as a woman!" She emphasized that what she was referring to was the entirety of her being as a woman, "not just someone who's good for bed, the kitchen or the house." She also said that there was no discrimination in the movement, even in the traditional "macho" world of military work: "If you have the potential or the capability, the movement always recognizes it." Ka Alex placed third in her batch of 25 Red fighters who took the Basic Politico-Military Course.

This doesn't mean, however, that the revolutionary movement does not bear marks of the backward society from which it sprung. Both Ka Jiji and Ka Alex said matter-of-factly that traces of feudal and bourgeois outlooks and habits remain, especially among new comrades. "It's unavoidable," says Ka Alex, "but the difference is that in the movement, everyone, without exception, strives to change such attitudes and habits." Ka Jiji added that what is important is that, "we all begin with the concept that we do not discriminate on the basis of gender and that everyone has important potential."

According to Ka Alex, the most effective means for women to demonstrate their potential to fellow comrades and even to themselves is through constantly striving to fulfill such potential. She asserted that, "women are capable of engaging in physical tasks, run generators, build huts� everything! Like men, we are capable of excelling in this and in all aspects of our revolutionary work."

The women's advantage

Actually, there are certain things that women Red fighters do even better than the men. One of the more important areas is raising the consciousness of the masses to combat feudal and bourgeois attitudes towards women.

The strength, commitment and service to the people shown by women revolutionaries effectively shatter backward social concepts that call on women to confine themselves to such superficial things such as being beautiful, meek and subservient to men.

According to Ka Jiji, "such feudal outlooks on women change when the masses see us carrying heavy backpacks, ammo belts and firearms, walking long distances and fighting too." On her part, Ka Alex mentioned the frequent comments of women peasants who become witness to the fact that women guerrillas are just as good as the male fighters�they also realize that they do have their own potential. This also boosts the morale of male comrades.

Ka Jiji also pointed out that women are better at encouraging other barrio women to join the revolution, whether as members of local mass organizations or as full-time Red fighters.

Also because of the prevalent outlook that they are weaker and not as threatening as men, the masses are more comfortable when faced with women guerrillas compared to male comrades. "Thus," says Ka Alex, "we are usually the ones who first knock on the doors of the masses especially in the middle of the night or those we don't know too well."

Ka Jiji added that the masses, including the men, seem to have an easier time approaching and talking to them: "I notice that they are more comfortable with women and more open to share their problems with us. They pour out their grievances to us."


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07 March 2004
English Edition

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Ang Bayan is the official news organ of the Communist Party of the Philippines issued by the CPP Central Committee. It provides news about the work of the Party as well as its analysis of and standpoint on current issues.

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