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Prisoners of war are treated humanely by the NPA

 Basahin ang artikulong ito sa Pilipino

The New People's Army (NPA) has displayed a high level of discipline as a revolutionary army in its ability to treat its prisoners of war (POWs) humanely and in effecting their safe and orderly release on August 18.

For close to six months, the Romulo Jallores Command (RJC) took custody of, and accorded due respect to, Lt. Ronaldo Fidelino and Pfc. Ronnel Neme�o in compliance with the NPA's rules, the laws of the people's revolutionary government, relevant provisions of the Comprehensive Agreement on Respect for Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law (CARHRIHL), and international rules of war, including the Geneva Conventions.

After their capture, the RJC immediately explained to Fidelino and Neme�o their rights in accordance with the NPA's rules. To the best of its ability, the RJC ensured that the two captives were in good health, ate good food and were in good condition at all times. The RJC also took efforts to secure their immediate release.

The NPA's humane treatment of POWs runs counter to the policy and actions of the terrorist US imperialism and the Arroyo regime, who both indiscriminately violate human rights and the conventions on war.

Hors de combat Red fighters captured by the AFP are usually tortured and eventually killed. Those whose lives are spared are treated brutally, slapped with criminal charges and detained for years in cramped prison cells under inhuman conditions.

The NPA's proper treatment and orderly release of POWs are acts contrary to terrorism. Their purpose is to make the conduct of the current civil war civilized and humane and implement rules and policies drawn from the history of wars worldwide.

As people's war advances, the NPA is bound to capture other AFP and PNP personnel. Like Fidelino and Neme�o, these other captives of the NPA will enjoy rights as POWs.

The NPA ensures all soldiers and policemen that their rights will be respected in the event that they are captured in combat. It is thus better for them to voluntarily surrender when they are cornered in battle than to risk their lives for a war that serves only the interests of the decadent and oppressive ruling system.

The NPA likewise assures the orderly release of all POWs as long as they have not committed any grave crimes against the people.

The NPA's release of prisoners of war forms part of its obligations under CARHRIHL, the agreement signed by both the NDF and the Government of the Republic of the Philippines.

The revolutionary forces and the Filipino people hope that the release of POWs will be reciprocated by the GRP by releasing political prisoners and implementing its other obligations in the peace talks.


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21 August 2004
English Edition

Prisoners of war are treated humanely by the NPA
NPA successfully effects POWs� safe and orderly release
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US feigns interest in resolving turmoil in the Sudan
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Ang Bayan is the official news organ of the Communist Party of the Philippines issued by the CPP Central Committee. It provides news about the work of the Party as well as its analysis of and standpoint on current issues.

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