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Storm of resistance against globalization

 Basahin ang artikulong ito sa Pilipino

Tens of thousands of people in various parts of the world launched protest actions during the World Trade Organization (WTO) meeting on December 1 in Seattle, Washington. The protests shook Seattle, London and other urban centers in Europe, Latin America and Asia, including Manila.

Reactionaries dealt with the protesters with an iron fist in a desperate bid to support and defend �globalization� and protect the interests of big monopoly capital.

Exemplary courage and militancy were manifested by the irate protesters, especially the American workers and people and the anti-WTO international delegation who stood their ground before the repressive US National Guards in Seattle. Despite having been bombarded with tear gas and pepper spray and shot at with Armalite and rubber bullets, the defiant demonstrators remained steadfast and even gathered strength through the four-day protest.

The anti-�globalization� actions signify the seething anger of peoples the world over. At the center of the anti-�globalization� and anti-WTO protests were workers from industrialized countries and the toiling masses of the Third World, all victims of low wages, liberalization, land use conversion, privatization and other policies attendant to �globalization�. Also among those resisting the WTO and �globalization� are the various middle forces and petty bourgeois groups who are railing against the gross disregard for education, environmental destruction, violations of human rights and other legitimate concerns.

The ongoing campaign of big monopoly capitalists to do away with all restrictions against their operations especially in semicolonial countries continues to create conditions that are disastrous to the toiling masses. The vacuousness of the muchvaunted �development� wrought by �globalization� is being rapidly exposed. The peoples of the world are also rapidly becoming aroused to stand up and resist liberalization, privatization, deregulation and denationalization and related policies that impoverish and oppress them.


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12 November 1999
English Edition

Take advantage of the reactionary Estrada regime�s crisis of rule

Greet the 21st century and new millennium with the resolve to intensify the revolution

Regarding basic and special tactical offensives
Storm of resistance against globalization
The expanding empire of Lucio Tan
Lacson�s appointment as PNP chief:
Sharpening the fascist fangs of the US-Estrada regime

Intensifying fascism of the US-Estrada regime
The Rights of Filipino Children:
On the Rights of the Filipino Children

The Rights of Filipino Children:
On the NPA�s alleged mass recruitment of child guerrillas

The Rights of Filipino Children:
Pertinent Facts

The Rights of Filipino Children:
Memorandum on the Minimum age requirement for NPA fighters

The Rights of Filipino Children:
Organizing children

The Rights of Filipino Children:
The miserable state of child workers in the Philippines

The Rights of Filipino Children:
Counterrevolutionary violence against children in the countryside

On the nationality question and the right to self-determination
Widespread mass actions for human rights launched
Sham negotiation between the US-Estrada regime and the Tabara-dela Cruz clique
NDF condemns inhumane treatment of Ka Parago
Ang Bayan is the official news organ of the Communist Party of the Philippines issued by the CPP Central Committee. It provides news about the work of the Party as well as its analysis of and standpoint on current issues.

AB comes out fortnightly. It is published originally in Pilipino and translated into Bisaya, Ilokano, Waray, Hiligaynon and English.

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