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Further resist intensifying militarization in Mindoro and other areas

 Basahin ang artikulong ito sa Pilipino

The Communist Party of the Philippines strongly condemns the abduction and murder of Elaine "Eden" Marcellana and Eddie Gumanoy in Naujan, Oriental Mindoro while investigating cases of abuse perpetrated by the 204th Bde.

The murders starkly illustrate the brazen and unprecedented suppression and devastation wrought by the utterly brutal militarization of Mindoro since the current regime took office. Marcellana and Gumanoy are the 31st and 32nd activists killed by 204th Bde troops led by Col. Jovito Palparan.

In 2001, Malacañang declared the annihilation of the New People's Army in Mindoro a "national priority" in the AFP's counter-insurgency program. Macapagal-Arroyo gave all-out support to the military campaign in the island. But the fascist AFP has failed to crush the NPA in Mindoro due to the depth of its mass support and the Mindoreños' high level of militancy in advancing their revolutionary struggle. The firmness of the people of Mindoro in waging all-out resistance to militarization has been praiseworthy.

In its failure to defeat the NPA, the AFP is now training its guns on the people. Barefaced military rule prevails. Terror is relentlessly sown in the countryside. Intensifying militarization and the cruelties inflicted by the military in Mindoro wreak havoc on hundreds of thousands of people and trample on their rights and interests. In particular, the AFP has been focusing on legal organizations to silence them from persevering to expose cases of military abuse.

The AFP honors no laws or rules in its desperate suppression campaign especially as it enjoys Malacañang's full support. The butcher Palparan has bloodied hands. His commander Macapagal-Arroyo's hands were just as bloody as she pinned a medal on him and promoted him to general.

Military officials are perverse in thinking that they can "drain the ocean where the fish swim." They think they can crush the masses' determination by massively deploying military troops, imposing martial law and sowing fear and terrorism. History shows that the people's determination to wage resistance grows as militarization intensifies. This situation likewise makes ever clear to the people the correctness, justness and need for armed revolution. As the number of victims of military abuses rises, so does the number of those desiring to join the New People's Army.

The murders of Eden Marcellana and Eddie Gumanoy signify the further intensification of the AFP's suppression campaign. On the other hand, they rouse the Filipino people to intensify the mass movement to resist and put an end to militarization and fascism in Mindoro and other areas.

We continue to strengthen and consolidate mass organizations in the countryside and raise the people's militancy to resist militarization and defend their rights. In many places, the people have done well at transcending the limitations wrought by a heavy military presence. They develop expertise in working underground to preserve their organizations, continuously consolidating them and expanding and strengthening their ranks.

It is of utmost urgency to strengthen the legal democratic movement in the cities and countryside in order to effectively resist militarization and military abuses. Strengthening the legal democratic movement means close cooperation and coordination on various levels, among local organizations in different barrios and towns, between mass organizations based in the countryside and those based in the cities and between national centers and local chapters.

We bring to the fore the many cases of military abuses in various areas in order to mobilize the broadest possible number of people to wage resistance. It is likewise important to cooperate with organizations overseas in order to expose abuses and human rights violations to the whole world.

Most of all, we must further strengthen the revolutionary armed struggle nationwide. The conduct of more frequent tactical offensives, both big and small in various parts of the country will thwart the enemy's ability to concentrate its forces for long in any area, wreak great havoc and severely brutalize the people.

It is the responsibility of the revolutionary armed forces to impose the appropriate punishment on Col. Jovito Palparan and the other notorious fascist masterminds of the murders of Ka Eden, Ka Eddie and many others.

As in the past, the revolutionary movement is determined to heed the Filipino people's cries for justice against the most brutal fascists who have perpetrated serious crimes against the people.


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07 May 2003
English Edition

Further resist intensifying militarization in Mindoro and other areas
Murder of activists in Mindoro
Widespread anger flares against 204th Brigade

Davao City, a laboratory for fascist measures
Fascist state on a rampage
Human rights violations intensifying

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Challenges to the workers' movement

Thousands of workers
troop to the streets on May 1

In search of greener pastures
Correspondence reports:
RPA-ABB's corruption further bared

Developments overseas

Ang Bayan is the official news organ of the Communist Party of the Philippines issued by the CPP Central Committee. It provides news about the work of the Party as well as its analysis of and standpoint on current issues.

AB comes out fortnightly. It is published originally in Pilipino and translated into Bisaya, Ilokano, Waray, Hiligaynon and English.

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