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Revolutionary taxation
A legitimate act of governance

 Basahin ang artikulong ito sa Pilipino

There is one revolutionary activity that the reactionary government feels acutely - and that is the imposition and collection of taxes on big foreign and comprador capitalist interests operating in areas covered by the revolutionary movement. The imposition of revolutionary taxes proves that the people's democratic government effectively exists and governs over vast territories within the ambit of the revolutionary movement. By observing revolutionary laws on taxation, taxpayers recognize Red political power. The growing collection of revolutionary taxes also demonstrates the revolutionary movement's capacity for self-reliance as well as its growing strength.

With the reactionary state and the ruling classes raging against revolutionary taxation, the latter is one of subjects constantly targeted by their dirty propaganda and slander.

Revolutionary taxation is not extortion nor is it a terrorist activity, as the reactionary US-Macapagal-Arroyo regime constantly claims. It is a legitimate act and a right of the state of the people's democratic government. It is carried out wherever Red political power exists or can be made to exist. Revolutionary taxes on class enemies are legitimate payment for privileges or concessions granted to them to conduct business or operate within the territories of the people's government. Along with the paying of taxes comes compliance with the laws of the people's government and rules of the revolutionary movement, which are all geared towards protecting the people's interest. The NPA is the principal revolutionary organization tasked with implementing taxation. Part of this responsibility is meting punishment on class enemies who refuse to pay taxes.

There are also nationalist businessmen, enlightened landlords and rich peasants�friends of the revolution � who are ready to pay taxes to the revolutionary government. For them, paying taxes is an expression of their support for the revolutionary movement and the general welfare of the people. Unlike the ruling classes, the movement does not employ force in implementing revolutionary taxation on friends of the revolution.

The money and resources collected from revolutionary taxation are used to defray the operations of the Party, the NPA, the people's democratic government and the revolutionary movement as well as projects for the general welfare of the people.

In implementing revolutionary taxation, the interest and welfare of the people are never compromised. Businesses and properties that are detrimental to the people and the environment are prohibited, no matter their owners� willingness to pay revolutionary taxes.

There is a world of difference between revolutionary taxation and the taxation imposed by the reactionary government. In general, the latter comes from workers, peasants, low level employees and other ordinary citizens. A big portion (about onefourth) goes to the pockets of government officials apart from a large chunk that goes to debt service, huge military and police expenditures, the suppression of the people and the promotion of imperialist and comprador-bureaucrat capitalist interests.


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January 2003
English Edition

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Revolutionary taxation
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Ang Bayan is the official news organ of the Communist Party of the Philippines issued by the CPP Central Committee. It provides news about the work of the Party as well as its analysis of and standpoint on current issues.

AB comes out fortnightly. It is published originally in Pilipino and translated into Bisaya, Ilokano, Waray, Hiligaynon and English.

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