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Successful NPA offensives
9 soldiers from 52nd Recon Coy killed in NPA counteroffensive

 Basahin ang artikulong ito sa Pilipino

Nine elements of the Philippine Army's 52nd Reconnaissance Company were killed in an NPA offensive on May 4 at 5 o'clock in the afternoon in Sitio Ugis, Agaman Sur, Baggao, Cagayan.

The 52nd Recon Coy's ten-man team had been masquerading as an NPA unit as it scoured the area since morning. This was part of a military operation by combined troops of the 41st IB, 52nd Recon Coy and the 117th PNP-Baggao which began March 28.

The operation's objective was to prevent the mass movement to raise the prices of the peasants' products and reduce interest rates from gaining strength. Another objective was to destroy the growth and expansion of the revolutionary movement.

After sustaining casualties, the soldiers of the Philippine Army unleashed more ferocity and targeted civilians. In the following days, soldiers went on a rampage and victimized:

  • the De la Cruz family, which they intimidated and robbed. They forcibly stuck the barrel of a gun into Herminio's mouth, intimidated and beat up Romeo, and dragged the pregnant Analyn around, whom they suspected of being an NPA member, and even robbed her of P3,000;
  • Pidong Dominsel and robbed him of seven chickens;
  • Randy Battala, a barangay councilor, whom they terrorized and accused of being an NPA supporter; and
  • three youths from Agaman Norte who were punched in the belly after they failed to follow the soldiers' orders to fetch a barangay official.


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21 June 2003
English Edition

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Successful NPA offensives
9 soldiers from 52nd Recon Coy killed in NPA counteroffensive
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Ang Bayan is the official news organ of the Communist Party of the Philippines issued by the CPP Central Committee. It provides news about the work of the Party as well as its analysis of and standpoint on current issues.

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