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 Basahin ang artikulong ito sa Pilipino

GMA�s offer of air space for US war assailed

Politicians, personalities and other sectors slammed Arroyo's offer to the US to use Philippine air space to show support for the invasion of Iraq. Arroyo made the offer on March 22. She was criticized for her "overeagerness" to support the US government.

Renato Constantino honored

Renato Constantino, renowned nationalist historian, author and educator, was feted on March 10, on the occasion of his 84th birthday. The gathering took place at Bahay Kalayaan in the University of the Philippines in Diliman, Quezon City. Politicians and activists delivered speeches that stressed the continuing relevance of nationalism in the face of greater foreign control in the Philippines.

Thousands attend Ka Bob's burial

Some 2,500 people attended the funeral of Ismaelito "Ka Bob" Giganto in Tapaz, Capiz on March 29. Ka Bob, commander of the Jose Percival Estocado Command, was martyred in an NPA ambush on February 24. Seven soldiers of the Special Operations Team under Task Force Panay were killed in this operation in Daan Sur, Tapaz.

Most of those who attended were dressed in red to express solidarity with the revolutionary movement and their condolences for the death of a revolutionary. Relatives of Ka Bob carried flags of the CPP and NPA. Tributes given by the Coronacion "Waling-Waling" Chiva Command of Panay Island and the Jose Percival Estocado Command-Central Front were read during the burial ceremonies.

Mass evacuations worsening in Mindanao

The number of refugees in Mindanao is increasing, exceeding recorded evacuations resulting from war in the last five years, according to the latest tally.

There were 122,114 evacuees in the last five months alone. Most of them came from the Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao, North Cotabato and Sultan Kudarat.

In the refugee centers of Pikit, North Cotabato alone, there are about 47,000 evacuees including 15,000 children. As of the last count, 36 children have died, with another 13 added on April 2. Up to 366 children are confined in hospitals due to various illnesses.

Government approves Meralco petition

The Senate approved 50 electricity distribution franchises for Manila Electric Company (Meralco) on March 20. The 25-year franchises expand Meralco's control over the distribution of electricity to most areas of Luzon. A day later, the Energy Regulatory Commission also approved Meralco's petition to "unbundle" or split charges for electricity into several separate items. This will result in an estimated increase of 13 centavos per kilowatt hour in electricity costs.

Kuratong Baleleng cases reopened

The Supreme Court ordered on April 1 the reopening and immediate resolution of the multiple murder case filed against Gen. Panfilo Lacson for the killing of Kuratong Balaleng Gang members in 1995. Lacson was then chief of the so-called PNP anti-kidnapping task force. Prior to the order, Lacson had declared his intention to run for president in the 2004 elections.

Bayan Muna to file libel case

Bayan Muna is set to file a libel case against the television station RPN-9 for airing a documentary last April 3 categorizing Bayan Muna as a "front organization" of the Communist Party of the Philippines. Bayan Muna reiterated that it is a legitimate organization.

Gen. Abaya new AFP chief

Lt. Gen. Narciso Abaya will be installed as the new AFP chief by Pres. Macapagal-Arroyo on April 8. Abaya is at present the chief of the Southern Command of the AFP.

Deadly ailment

Around 15 persons, including one Filipino, have died in Hongkong of a new disease called SARS or Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome. SARS first appeared in Guangdong, China in November 2002 and in Hongkong in February. SARS has also been reported in Europe and Canada. Specialists are still looking for a cure for the disease.

North Korea braces for US aggression

In the face of US intimidation and military threats, North Korea asserted its right to possess nuclear arms last October. It knows that the capacity to produce nuclear arms is the only deterrent to US imperialist aggression and occupation. It would not be farfetched for the US to invade either Iran or North Korea next. In January 2002, the US aligned the two countries along with Iraq as the "axis of evil".

In January 2003, North Korea resigned from the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty, an international agreement that one-sidedly grants powerful nations the exclusive right to possess nuclear arms. The US has used various means in an attempt to coerce the North Korean government. It accused North Korea last October of actively producing nuclear weapons.

As it did with Iraq, the US is pressuring North Korea to have its nuclear weapons production facilities inspected and is forcing it to disarm. For this purpose, US imperialism is bolstering its military forces in Japan and South Korea and has intensified espionage activities against North Korea.

North Korea refuses to be complacent. It is preparing its armed forces and people for the possibility that the country will be next in line after Iraq. North Korea also warned on March 26 that it would no longer honor the 1953 armistice should the US refuse to put a stop to its armed provocations. The armistice is a temporary agreement meant to pave the way for the resolution of the Korean War that took place in the 1950s.

On March 29, North Korea announced that it would oppose all pressure to subject itself to inspection or to disarm. It pointed out that Iraq is undergoing its current predicament because it succumbed to pressure from the imperialists.


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07 April 2003
English Edition

Invaders, get out of Iraq!

The Bloody occupation of Iraq
Patriotic groups continue protests
Bombings in Davao
Correspondence Reports:
Is Michael Meiring back?

Correspondence Reports:
Banana prices raised in Central Mindanao

Correspondence Reports:
A victory for propaganda and education

Correspondence Reports:
Cassava Plantation Project, A heavier burden to the peasant masses

Victorious NPA offensives
Ang Bayan is the official news organ of the Communist Party of the Philippines issued by the CPP Central Committee. It provides news about the work of the Party as well as its analysis of and standpoint on current issues.

AB comes out fortnightly. It is published originally in Pilipino and translated into Bisaya, Ilokano, Waray, Hiligaynon and English.

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