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 Basahin ang artikulong ito sa Pilipino

Trimedia conference held in Mindanao

THE National Democratic Front- Mindanao (NDF-Mindanao) paid tribute to the print, radio and television media in a public gathering held in a guerrilla front on January 6. Over 50 media persons and a number of politicians attended the activity.

In a program held in the morning, NDF-Mindanao spokesperson Jorge "Ka Oris" Madlos

hailed the important role played by media in society. The Red Limaong Platoon led the cultural presentations during the program.

A consultation took place in the afternoon between the revolutionary forces in the island and the invited media guests and politicians. At the request of the politicians, discussions revolved around the extension of the ceasefire declared by the NDFP. The NDFP-Mindanao rejected the ceasefire's extension in line with the NDFP national leadership's rejection.

In a media conference that same afternoon, Ka Oris discussed issues currently faced by the revolutionary movement.

Over 2,000 people gathered for the activities, including the masses in the guerrilla zones where the event was held. An NPA company participated in the activities while another provided security. The NDFP also ensured the smooth coordination between the media and their offices by, among others, providing cellphones for their use.

A joint media conference with CPP national spokesperson Gregorio "Ka Roger" Rosal and CPDF spokesperson Simon "Ka Filiw" Naogsan was also held that same day in a guerrilla front in Mt. Province.

RFM workers strike

OVER 200 workers of the Republic Flour Mills (RFM) recently went on strike after negotiations between management and the union for the last two years of their collective bargaining agreement (CBA) failed.

RFM refused to give a just offer, proposing a mere P12 wage increase for the next two years compared to the P72 wage hike in the last CBA. The workers assailed RFM's claims that it could ill afford to grant a wage increase because the company was losing money. In fact, RFM, the country's second largest food and beverage conglomerate, earned over P10 billion in 2001. Among RFM's products are White King (flourbased products), Selecta (ice cream), Swift (meat products), Little Ceasar's (pizza), Sunkist (juice) and Selecta Moo (milk).

Peso collapses anew

THE peso once again sank to its lowest level, closing at P56.20 to the dollar on February 3. Economists blamed the fall on coup threats and other electoral issues, even as the peso's plunge was merely symptomatic of an unstable and crisis-ridden economy.

The peso-dollar exchange is expected to succumb to the P60 = US$1 level before the end of 2004. In the face of all this, the Standard Chartered Bank, one of the foreign banks in the country, warned that the Philippines was possibly headed towards a financial crisis similar to that which befell Argentina in 2001.

The mass exodus of foreign capitalists from Argentina that year and the attendant capital flight led to a dollar shortage, several bankruptcies and bank closures.

The SCB cited the 15% decline in the tax collection for 2003 and the regime's frenzied borrowing to offset the gargantuan budget deficit. It estimates that over 50% of the overall deficit was offset by borrowing. The government deficit came to P199.86 billion last year.

Even the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas concurs with the SCB's assessment of the country's financial state.

Forum in Mumbai strengthens struggle against imperialist war

Activists further strengthened the struggle against imperialist war and militarism in the world at the close of the five-day World Social Forum (WSF) in the city of Mumbai in western India on January 21.

The anti-globalization meeting began on January 16 when some 100,000 delegates gathered from various countries. After devoting a day to presenting and discussing the global US trade, multinationals and the foreign debt, WSF delegates discussed the movement against imperialist war and militarism beginning January 18. They particularly focused on wars led by the US government. The WSF coordinated and linked up movements in every nation and country against imperialist war and for peace.

Revolutionary government established in southern Nepal

The Magar people recently established a revolutionary government in southern Nepal under the leadership of the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist). According to their official website Krishnasen Sambad Samiti, over 75,000 people attended the founding ceremonies in Thawang, a village in the district of Rolpha. Red flags filled the mountains of Rolpha that day.

Before this, representatives from various parts of the region launched a convention in the village of Thawang. This village, where people's war began in 1996, is now the center of gravity of the Maoist revolutionary movement in Nepal.

The people have victoriously prevailed over intense military repression by the Nepali government and have firmly advanced the revolutionary struggle in Nepal.

50,000 strike in German metal factories

Metal production ground to a halt for two days in six German states when over 50,000 workers went on strike. They demanded a 4% increase in their wages and opposed plans by capitalists to lengthen their work hours without a corresponding increase in their wages.

The IG Metall union led the strike that began on January 29 in southwestern Baden- Wuerttemberg where 32,000 workers participated. Workers in five other states in Germany followed suit.

As of February 1, production was still affected in two companies manufacturing Daimler-Chrysler and Audi cars, at ZF which supplies auto parts, at Bosch, and in one of Siemens' energy units.

Prepare for and redouble propaganda efforts for the NPA's 35th anniversary

In preparation for the celebration of the upcoming 35th anniversary of the New People's Army, all units of the Party, NPA and revolutionary mass organizations are enjoined to redouble propaganda efforts hailing the NPA as a genuine people's army.

Let us launch various activities and projects to promote the theme "NPA: Genuine Army of the People." Let us focus on portraying NPA activities that show how it thoroughly serves and is deeply immersed among the masses and how it is nurtured and supported by them. Let us also show how the people have achieved gains through their organized efforts and the raising of their revolutionary consciousness.

Let us use various methods and forms of propaganda, including methods and forms with a wide circulation and reach, such as statements that can be distributed to radio stations and newspapers, as well as leaflets, posters, books and video documentaries, among others. We are issuing this call at this point so that the materials and equipment needed can be readied.


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07 February 2004
English Edition

Militant resistance to militarization in Mindoro

Intensified militarization and human rights violations
Greetings on the 35th anniversary of the Communist Party of the Philippines
In various parts of the country�

Seething discontent pervades AFP
Philippine Revolution Web Central
The internet: A new arena for propaganda

The Bush regime can no longer deny the absence of WMD in Iraq
Ang Bayan is the official news organ of the Communist Party of the Philippines issued by the CPP Central Committee. It provides news about the work of the Party as well as its analysis of and standpoint on current issues.

AB comes out fortnightly. It is published originally in Pilipino and translated into Bisaya, Ilokano, Waray, Hiligaynon and English.

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