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The CIA, the Marcoses' wealth and other anomalies behind Salonga's reversal

 Basahin ang artikulong ito sa Pilipino

Since Salonga sat at the helm of the Presidential Commission on Good Government under the Aquino regime, he has reversed his old position against Marcos' crimes. Salonga -- and his operator-son Steve -- benefited a lot from the PCGG, which was mandated to recover the Marcoses' ill-gotten wealth. During the Aquino and Ramos governments, he was also implicated in secret deals with Lucio Tan to reduce the amount of taxes the latter was supposed to pay. It would thus not be farfetched for money from the Marcoses to have passed through Salonga's filthy hands in exchange for absolving them.

Even before Salonga, Gregg Jones, an agent, psywar expert and paid hack of the CIA, came out with an anti-communist book on the revolutionary movement in the country. Through his Red Revolution, he resurrected Marcos' failed attempts to reverse the verdict of history. Behind this, the US would like to tighten the unity of the reactionary ruling classes in the fight against the Party and the revolutionary movement under its leadership.

Salonga's reversal of his stand is significant to imperialism and the ruling class. Salonga was among those injured in the Plaza Miranda massacre and whatever he says on the subject -- no matter how flimsy its basis and no matter how vacuous -- would be imbued with credibility. This serves the US' plans to legitimize the rehabilitation of the Marcoses and their wealth and eradicate one of the biggest obstacles to the unity of the ruling classes in the country.


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31 July 2001
English Edition

Reversing the verdict on the fascist crimes of the Marcos dictatorship

The CIA, the Marcoses' wealth and other anomalies behind Salonga's reversal
Events of August 21 and August 23, 1971
"Treading the path of military dictatorship" � CPP

Lies told by Marcos, Gregg Jones and Salonga's "witnesses" on the Plaza Miranda bombing
Excerpts from the sworn statement of Manuel Reyes Bogtong of the Presidential Security Unit (March 14, 1989)
Ang Bayan is the official news organ of the Communist Party of the Philippines issued by the CPP Central Committee. It provides news about the work of the Party as well as its analysis of and standpoint on current issues.

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