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Fascist State on a rampage:
Cases of human rights violations
July-October 2001

 Basahin ang artikulong ito sa Pilipino

OCTOBER 21. Seven troopers of a composite team from the PNP-SAF 1st Bn and PNP-Region 4 who were conducting patrol operations led by Insp. Erickson Dilag, tortured and summarily executed four civilians in Sitio Casunugan San Isidro, Barangay San Jose, Antipolo, Rizal after accusing them of being Red fighters. The victims, who were hunting in the forest when they were killed, were Raul Magisa, 40; Emiliano dela Rosa, 46; his son Reynaldo, 26; and Dominador Anacleto, 30, all residents of Antipolo. All of them were shot at close range. Their skulls had been bashed in, their bodies bore stab wounds and hack marks and their fingers were broken. In a tight fix because of the incident, the PNP fabricated charges and even bragged about the four shotguns they confiscated, which the victims had used to shoot wild boar.

OCTOBER 17 AND 18. Vigilante killings of suspected criminals are once again prevalent in Davao City. Killed on October 17 in Davao City by motorcycle-riding vigilantes were Sammy Jagonos and Wiseley Castrudes, both 17. The next day, Felcris Serojales, 19, was also killed. More than 300 members and supporters of the Kabiba Alliance for Children's Concerns condemned the killings while commemorating the death of other youth killed in Davao City since 1995.

OCTOBER 13. Ananias Tahuyan, 50 and Rodolfo Dazing, 42, supporter and member, respectively, of the San Luis Bukidnon Native Farmers' Association were killed in San Carlos, Bukidnon. The San Luis Bukidnon Native Farmers' Association fights for the Manobos' right to their ancestral lands. This was the latest in a series of killings of members of Manobo organizations. In early September, Samuel Bento, head of the Tribal Organization of San Jose in Maramag, Bukidnon, was killed. On September 27, the house of Ananias' brother, Datu Marcial Tahuyan, was strafed. Ananias' wife Virginia was seriously wounded. In the first week of October, a government official threatened to shoot the minorities if they continued with their struggle.

OCTOBER 9. Seventy armed and truncheon-wielding policemen under the Philippine Economic Zone Authority violently dismantled the picketline of workers of the Triple Eight Garments Manufacturing Corp.. The workers, most of whom were women, were on the fifth month of their strike. Triple Eight Garments is located at the Cavite Exporting Processing Zone in Rosario town. The police first attempted but failed to dismantle the workers' barricades by ordering scabs aboard a van and motorcycle to penetrate their ranks. The policemen then bombarded the workers with water cannons, until company officials ordered the demolition of the workers' makeshift huts. Eight women were wounded.

OCTOBER 9. The Bulacan PNP seized Robert Veterbo, Nonato de Guzman, Virgilio Valdez, Igmidio Villanueva, Faustino Isidro, Bobet Francisco and Teodoro Flores in Barangay Calumpang, San Miguel. The PNP accused the seven men of being NPA members. In truth, the victims are mere farmers from the barangay.

OCTOBER 8. Around 40 policemen including SWAT elements and Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR) guards violently destroyed the picketline of farmers belonging to Task Force Mapalad-Negros who were rallying in front of the DAR in Quezon City. The farmers were waiting for Sec. Nani Braganza who had promised to dialogue with them when the police and guards dispersed them. Many farmworkers were injured in the dispersal.

OCTOBER 8. Elements of Task Force Banahaw murdered a Mangyan tribesman identified as Lando Cabagay, 40, barangay captain of Bonbon, Mansalay, Oriental Mindoro, and Bayan Muna leader Roger Fernando. Within the same week, soldiers of the 204th Infantry Brigade arrested Rigmay Maranggat, leader of the Samahang Pantribo ng mga Mangyan sa Mindoro, while she was doing her marketing in Roxas town, Oriental Mindoro.

SEPTEMBER 20. 1st Scout Ranger Regiment and 56th IB troops ambushed and summarily executed Wilfredo Mananghaya, chairperson of Bayan Muna in San Miguel and member of the Alyansa ng mga Magbubukid sa Bulacan. He was among those opposed to quarrying and illegal logging in their town.

SEPTEMBER 7. Elements of the CAFGU and Philippine Marines killed and desecrated the remains of Ibno Mallaji, a coconut farmer suspected to be a member of the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) in Sumisip, Basilan. He was on his way to a mosque when seized by the troops. After allegedly confiscating an MILF ID from him, he was dragged inside a hut, tied to a rock and hit with the butt of an armalite rifle. Nails were rammed through his thighs and his shoulders were hacked. He was shot in the head. The fascists even burned his body. Ibno's family is among the 78,736 people forcibly evacuated since the AFP launched its "attacks" against the Abu Sayyaf. In a related development, 59 Moros were illegally arrested, and nine others were summarily executed. One of the victims was executed right inside a PNP station in Basilan.

In the latter part of August, the same troops forcibly evicted, mortared and robbed residents of Irreley, Guiong, Sumisip, Basilan.

AUGUST 20. Guards belonging to a security agency owned by Gov. Ayong Malicsi of Cavite went on a shooting rampage while conducting a demolition at around 10:30 p.m. in an urban poor community in Dasmari�as town. Three civilians were killed including Marilyn Mil, who was pregnant. Four others were wounded. They were among the 500 families forcibly evicted through the bloody demolition.

AUGUST 9-10. Soldiers belonging to the 22nd Special Forces Company abducted and summarily executed Johnny Kamareg, 55, a farmer in Betwagan, Sadanga, Mountain Province. He was abducted on August 9. On August 11, his body was found along an irrigation canal near his farm. The military alleged that he was a Red fighter killed in an encounter between the Philippine Army and the NPA.

AUGUST 6. Elements of the SWAT and a 40-man demolition team demolished the houses of about 50 families in Indang, Cavite.

JULY 31. Elements of the 5th SFC and 4th SFB led by MSgt. Rolando Austria ruthlessly fired at the house of a civilian, where an NPA unit was suspected to be resting. The incident occurred in Sitio Malasena, Barangay Tala, Rizal, Laguna. Killed were Merly Guia Yba�ez who was seven months pregnant with twins and her six-year-old son Christian.

JULY 26. Around 300 families were evicted from their homes in Pabahay 2000, General Trias, Cavite.

JULY 22. Milagros Belga, 41, a Karapatan volunteer worker, was shot to death by the military in front of her family at their house in Magdalena, Laguna. When Karapatan confonted the Philippine Army, the latter insinuated that the woman had been cooperating with them and blamed her death on the NPA.

JULY 10, 2001, dawn. Elements of the 417th PPMG and 1st IB strafed the house of Armando Arellano in Igang, Lucban, Quezon, killing Arellano. His wife Myrna was wounded in the back and shoulder. Also wounded were his daughters Jocelyn, 14, (shot in the right thigh) and Rochelle, 8, (who was hit in the buttocks). The military made it appear that the civilian they had killed was a Red fighter.

JULY 7 AND 11. The PNP illegally arrested and detained until August 10 Eduardo Cacayuran (arrested on July 7) and Avelino Dacanay (arrested on July 11) in Bangued, Abra, on charges that they were involved in the killing of Conrado Balweg.


AUGUST 1. Two Red fighters were tortured and salvaged after they were encircled in Barangay Montelago, Naujan, Oriental Mindoro. The soldiers also attempted to kill a youth who warned the fighters about the enemy's presence. Eman Florendo (Ka Minervo) was captured alive by a composite team from the 2nd Scout Ranger Coy and MIG 14 led by Major Capote and 1Lieutenant Fortuno. He was kicked, hit with rifle butts, dragged to a rocky area in a nearby lake, exposed to the heat of the sun while immersed in the water before being shot in the chest. Erwin Bacarra (Ka Elre), on the other hand, whose foot had been hit and was no longer capable of fighting, was shot repeatedly. Autopsy findings later revealed that his testicles had also been crushed. After the two comrades were murdered, their bodies were loaded into sacks like animals. The soldiers planned to have their bodies tied to a banca and dragged but were prevailed upon by the barriofolk to load them on the boats instead.

JULY 31. Herman de Castro (Ka Edwin) was killed after being abducted from the San Pablo Community Hospital where he was being treated. He had been wounded in his right arm in an encounter between the NPA and a Back to Basics Class 01-01 platoon in Sta. Lucia, Nagcarlan, Laguna on July 31, and was immediately brought to the hospital by comrades. On August 1, Lt. Col. Danilo Leyva and Sgt. Rodolfo de Guzman of Task Force Banahaw took him out, allegedly to bring him to the hospital in Fort Bonifacio. In order to bring Ka Edwin out, Leyva and de Guzman forcibly applied his thumbmark on the release papers that they had brought with them. Ka Edwin was never brought to Fort Bonifacio. On August 3, his body was found in Funeraria Guevara in San Pablo City.

JULY 26. Ka Miro (Dino Noro�a, a Red fighter from Sta. Cruz, Laguna and the son of a retired military official) who was wounded after an encounter between the NPA and elements of the 59th IB in Sitio Pulong Bestre, Barangay Tungkod, Sta. Maria, Laguna, was purposely deprived of proper medical attention. He had not been seriously wounded, but comrades learned a few days later that he had died.


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October 2001
English Edition

Editorial: Further advance the revolutionary movement in the face of the US' war of aggression and intensifying reaction
The US' war of aggression in Afghanistan
What is the Northern Alliance?
Protest actions against war of agression and reaction continue in the Philippines
Seething anger against the US and UK governments
Reports from Correspondents:
The plight of coconut farmers and farmworkers in Bicol

Reports from Correspondents: People's struggles against Lepanto Mines
Reports from Correspondents: Agrarian revolution advances in Cagayan Valley
Reports from Correspondents: Coming out with Kalatas while conducting mass work
Response to the enemy's continued attacks in Central Luzon: Resolutely carry forward and master guerrilla warfare
Reproduction and distribution of Ang Bayan: Combining mass movement and modern technology
Fascist State on a rampage:
Cases of human rights violations
July-October 2001
Fascist State on a rampage:
Macapagal-Arroyo's terrorist and mercenary AFP and PNP are running amok in the countryside:
Statement by Gregorio "Ka Roger" Rosal, Spokesperson, Communist Party of the Philippines

Ang Bayan is the official news organ of the Communist Party of the Philippines issued by the CPP Central Committee. It provides news about the work of the Party as well as its analysis of and standpoint on current issues.

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