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The Filipino people repudiate the chief imperialist and terrorist

 Basahin ang artikulong ito sa Pilipino

The thick dark cloud that descended with US President George W. Bush�s brief visit to the Philippines parted as thousands of flags waved to express the Filipino people�s militant protest against US imperialism and the Arroyo puppet regime.

The torching of a hundred US flags�symbol of the imperialist oppression and exploitation of the Philippines and the entire world� brought brightness even as the imperialist eagle�s giant shadow descended over the entire country.

Cries reverberated from tens of thousands who marched in the streets and millions of others who protested through various ways in different places: End imperialist rule in the Philippines! End the puppet Arroyo regime!

Despite the attempts of the Arroyo regime to suppress their actions, the Filipino people successfully showed the whole world that they are not docile lambs who will kowtow before the most powerful imperialist and terrorist. They manifested their furious protest over US imperialism�s intensifying semicolonial exploitation and oppression of the Philippines and the Arroyo regime�s despicable puppetry.

They demonstrated their patriotic stand and their desire to break free from the clutches of US imperialism and its lackeys in the country.

They repudiated further US imperialist plunder, which has wrought backwardness to the country and further suffering on the Filipino people, and its exacerbation through the imperialist policy of �free market globalization.� They mirrored the global opposition to the US� measures to make the World Trade Organization further serve its interests, which resulted in the collapse of its latest negotiations in Cancun, Mexico. They repudiated the US� latest scheme to impose its will through bilateral and regional agreements with the aim of edging out other imperialist countries and further monopolizing and plundering the economies of other countries, especially those of backward countries.

The Filipino people repudiated intensifying and deepening armed US intervention in the Philippines. They expressed their opposition to measures that would restore US military bases�small or expansive, permanent or otherwise. They cried out for the abrogation of the Visiting Forces Agreement (VFA), the Mutual Logistics Support Agreement (MLSA), the agreement exempting US soldiers from jurisdiction by the International Criminal Court and other agreements that pave the way for US military intervention in the Philippines.

They repudiated the US� �antiterrorist� doctrine that the Arroyo regime blindly supports. They assailed Arroyo for scuttling and sacrificing the peace negotiations on the altar of �anti-terrorism� and for tearing to shreds ten agreements between the government and the National Democratic Front.

They assailed Arroyo�s anti-terrorist war, widespread militarization and the US� arming of its most reliable puppet. They assailed Arroyo�s shameless insistence on US armed intervention in the civil war in the Philippines and in the anti-Moro war in its mad hope of terrorizing the people and the revolutionary forces.

US President George Bush�s visit highlighted the neocolonial character of the Philippines� political and economic system. It highlighted the ever-intensifying US imperialist oppression and exploitation of the Philippines and other semicolonial countries.

Only the puppets, big compradors, bureaucrat capitalists, fascists, exploiters and oppressors of the people celebrated the visit of their esteemed master and revered god�the chief imperialist and world�s number one terrorist.

They said �Amen!� and repeatedly applauded in response to every mention of the �anti-terrorism� doctrine by Bush, their lord and master. They listened intently to the US� twisted logic for waging war and praising the Arroyo puppet regime�s total support for it. They were one with the number one bully as he proudly declared the imposition of Pax Americana on Iraq and Afghanistan and the trampling of all existing policies of civilized international relations.

Together they gorged themselves rotten in the multimillionpeso banquet and the lavish ornaments they offered Bush. Led by the chief puppet Gloria Arroyo, they celebrated a century of colonial and semicolonial rule by the all-powerful America, as well as their latest conspiracies and schemes for the more brazen exploitation and oppression of the people. As they wallowed in their gluttony, they sang hosannas to imperialist �globalization� and gave praise to the high heavens to the �war against terrorism�.

They all fell prostrate in supplication and beseeched their master grant them alms�something to line their pockets with, some small change to fill the government�s empty coffers, a few pieces of outmoded military equipment to annihilate a people up in arms. As before, they pledged to offer all� even the little that is left of Philippine independence. They would even change the government�s constitution just to further the US� preeminent neocolonial control over the Philippines.

The scandalous cost of the Arroyo regime�s grand welcome for George W. Bush is execrable. The regime had no respect whatsoever for national sovereignty and integrity when it allowed US imperialism�s security personnel to search through every nook and cranny of Malaca�ang, Congress and wherever Bush would pass through and stay. It is infuriating for Arroyo to have laid out the red carpet for Bush after demolishing the shanties of hundreds of urban poor and mercilessly truncheoning protesters.

The Arroyo regime is a laughing stock for lavishly praising Bush even as he is assailed by the world�s peoples and even by the American people for being a fascist warmonger and for his imperialist bullying, deception and lies.

Arroyo will pay dearly for the boundless puppetry to US imperialism that she has shown. Even as the people of the world abhor Bush and history judges this false god, so will Arroyo be judged in the Philippines for her stupid subservience to her imperialist master and for the extreme hardship she has wrought on the Filipino people.


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21 October 2003
English Edition

The Filipino people repudiate the chief imperialist and terrorist
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Ang Bayan is the official news organ of the Communist Party of the Philippines issued by the CPP Central Committee. It provides news about the work of the Party as well as its analysis of and standpoint on current issues.

AB comes out fortnightly. It is published originally in Pilipino and translated into Bisaya, Ilokano, Waray, Hiligaynon and English.

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