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MILF frees 4 captured soldiers

The Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) freed four prisoners of war in Datu Piang, Maguindanao on December 18. The soldier-captives were released a day after both parties agreed to a cessation of hostilities.

The four soldiers were troops of the 7th IB captured on December 16 after an encounter with the MILF in Barrio Gawang, Datu Saudi Ampatuan town. They were then supposedly carrying out pursuit operations against the criminal Pentagon Gang. Twenty-one soldiers and nine MILF guerrillas were killed in the fighting that ensued. There are still 12 missing military and CAFGU elements. An AFP helicopter was also damaged after it was fired upon by the MILF.

Country's debt continues to swell

THE Philippines' debt continues to swell due to the enormous government budget deficit.

Based on September data, overall Philippine debt has come to 68.7% of the gross national product (GNP). Huge budget deficits have plagued the government in the last nine years beginning in 1989. Public debt has ballooned to P5.162 trillion which is even greater than the value of the overall economic output.

Almost half of the P864.8 billion proposed national budget for 2004 (or P542.2 billion) will go to debt service.

Meanwhile, in order for the bankrupt government to earn funds, the International Monetary Fund has recommended the imposition of additional taxes on oil, beer, cigarettes and text messaging.

Saddam Hussein captured

American forces captured Saddam Hussein, president of Iraq, in Tikrit, his birthplace, on December 14. American soldiers discovered Saddam in his hiding place inside a hole in the ground behind a house.

The Bush regime immediately bragged about Saddam's capture especially since throughout its occupation of Iraq, there was no other news save for the growing number of American soldier-casualties and the worsening condition of the Iraqi people.

Nevertheless, Hussein's capture has not dissipated the intense anger and opposition of the Iraqi people as well as the many problems attendant to the US occupation of Iraq.

The following day, two police stations were blown up in succession, killing nine people and wounding 20 others.

The Iraqis continue to strongly oppose the foreign occupation of their country. Protests continue against the zoning and strafing of their communities and the unwarranted arrests and detention, maltreatment and abuse of Iraqi men.

Meanwhile, the formation of a reliable puppet army that would serve as the backbone in establishing an Iraqi puppet government poses a big problem to the US. Three-hundred Iraqi soldiers deserted on December 13 from the 700-man Iraqi battalion being trained by the US to replace the US forces. They objected to the low wages paid by the occupiers.

Cuba braces for US invasion

Cuba's regular troops and people's militia are both actively preparing for a possible invasion in the face of new and escalated threats from US imperialism. It may be recalled that in the past several months, US Pres. George Bush has once again been referring to the so-called "axis of evil" and has broadened its scope. Besides Iraq, North Korea and Iran, he has included Cuba and Syria as well.

Cuba's defense system is based on the concept of a "war of all people" which is seen as the only way to successfully fight off any US military aggression. It is in accordance with National Defense Law No. 75 that requires every Cuban to undergo training and develop his or her own fighting ability in the event that the US goes ahead with its invasion of Cuba.

US imperialism honors Ople, 76. Foreign Secretary Sec. Blas Ople died in a Taiwanese hospital on December 14. US imperialism and Ople's fellow reactionary politicians praised him to high heavens for his pro-imperialist and antipeople deeds.


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21 December 2003
English Edition

The Arroyo regime�s new amnesty program

Betraying the people anew

Still no agreement

Violations of workers� rights
General Agreement on Trade in Services
Intensified exploitation, added burden

Military operations during ceasefire
230 Aeta families evacuate

Correspondence Reports:
Christians for National Liberation

Gains strength, advances

Radyo Gil-ayab in Cagayan
Another weapon in education, propaganda and cultural work

Back to back plays bring to life class culture and the spirit of Gat Amado
Ang Bayan is the official news organ of the Communist Party of the Philippines issued by the CPP Central Committee. It provides news about the work of the Party as well as its analysis of and standpoint on current issues.

AB comes out fortnightly. It is published originally in Pilipino and translated into Bisaya, Ilokano, Waray, Hiligaynon and English.

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