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Imperialism's propaganda giants

 Basahin ang artikulong ito sa Pilipino

A number of US mass media conglomerates shamelessly serve as spokespersons of the militarist Bush government.

The role that the media plays in propagating the imperialist and reactionary outlook and viewpoint is immense. This was made clear in the media network conglomerates' coverage of the US' "war against terrorism" in general and the US aggression on Iraq in March in particular.

In both instances, the Pentagon and the Central Intelligence Agency were able to make good use of these large media networks � from television and radio up to newspapers and the internet � as accomplices in spreading various kinds of disinformation and speculation and sanitizing the affliction that imperialist war has wrought on the lives and livelihood of the Iraqi people.

The reporters that were "embedded," or who joined, the US military units served as the units' mouthpieces. Through them, the gigantic media outlets' 24-hour daily coverage mirrored the CIA and the Pentagon's calculated propaganda. Fox News, CNN and MSNBC applauded every little move made by the American soldiers in Iraq and limited the reporting of opinions and events that were contrary to the official version of the CIA and the Pentagon. They served as conduits for the worst forms of propaganda spewed by the CIA and the Pentagon that included movie-like scripts and shows. (See related article)

On the other hand, the media networks also used their "close" relationship with the American troops to continuously release sensationalized and never before seen footages of selected events and statements of military officials in the hope of outdoing their respective rivals and attracting more viewers and readers from among the unsuspecting public.


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07 June 2003
English Edition

The US is arming the Arroyo regime to the hilt

US pushes for bigger permanent military presence
Despite the ceasefire:
AFP attacks against MILF continue

Correspondence Reports:
Gains of the agrarian revolution reaped in Samar

Lies behind the war on Iraq
Bush's new nuclear plan
Imperialism's propaganda giants
British soldiers tortured Iraqis
Just like the movie Rambo
Ang Bayan is the official news organ of the Communist Party of the Philippines issued by the CPP Central Committee. It provides news about the work of the Party as well as its analysis of and standpoint on current issues.

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