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Reactionary Elections
AFP behind electoral fraud and violence�NDF-Eastern Visayas

 Basahin ang artikulong ito sa Pilipino

The National Democratic Front (NDF) in Eastern Visayas belied the AFP�s accusations that the New People�s Army was behind reported incidents of electoral violence in the region.

In a statement, NDF-Eastern Visayas spokesperson Fr. Santiago Salas denied that the NPA was responsible for the abduction of two poll watchers in Motiong, Samar and for a ballot snatching incident in Silvino Lobos, Northern Samar on May 11. On the contrary, he said, it was elements of the 8th ID who terrorized and harassed voters on May 10, especially in hinterland villages of Matuguinao, Gandara, San Jorge, Motiong, Paranas, Pinabacdao, Basey and Borongan towns in Samar island. In Tabango, Leyte, said Salas, the military prevented 80 families from voting.

According to Fr. Salas, the conduct of the recently concluded polls is proof that the people are only being fooled and victimized during reactionary elections.

Meanwhile, a correspondence report from the region also put the lie to the news that seven Red fighters were killed in a defensive battle in Barangay Palanit, San Isidro, Northern Samar on the morning of May 6. Apart from the fact that all of the NPA guerrillas were able to retreat safely, they were also able to inflict a still undetermined number of casualties on the 20th IB troops they engaged.


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21 May 2004
English Edition

Rampant violence and cheating mark recently concluded elections

Reactionary Elections:
NPA condemns arson incidents in Isabela

Reactionary Elections
AFP behind electoral fraud and violence�NDF-Eastern Visayas
Reactionary Elections
NDF-Mindanao logs poll violence

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Military, RPA campaign against progressive parties

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World Bank�milking cow of the biggest imperialist corporations
Correspondence Reports
Ka Boyet, fine revolutionary cadre and commander

Developments Overseas
The historic Battle of Dien Bien Phu

Developments Overseas
Cuba braces itself for US invasion

Ang Bayan is the official news organ of the Communist Party of the Philippines issued by the CPP Central Committee. It provides news about the work of the Party as well as its analysis of and standpoint on current issues.

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