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Mass actions on International Labor Day

 Basahin ang artikulong ito sa Pilipino

The proletariat the world over once again showed its class unity and strength on May 1. In different parts of the globe, workers took to the streets, along with other oppressed classes and sectors from their respective countries, bannering the class, democratic and patriotic demands of the people and resistance to imperialism and local reaction.

Cuba: More than a million people trooped towards the center of Cuba in solidarity with the call of the Castro government against US imperialism's repressiveness and oppression of their country.

Russia: Hundreds of thousands of Russians joined marches and rallies in various parts of the country, bearing red flags and other symbols of socialism's distinguished history in the country. In Moscow, at least 140,000 joined a demonstration against the country's capitalist system.

Turkey: Tens of thousands thronged to the streets of Istanbul to condemn the economic policy dictates of the IMF being implemented by the government. They also condemned Israel's terrorism against the Palestinian people. In eastern Turkey, police violently dispersed the rally.

Italy: At least 75,000 union members joined a rally in Bologna. While carrying red flowers, they called for "peace, for jobs, for the defense of their rights and against terrorism".

Spain: Up to 60,000 workers joined a rally in Madrid led by various labor groups. It was in preparation for a general strike that would be launched once the government withdraws social insurance for the unemployed.

Indonesia: Thousands of workers poured out into the streets to call on the government to recognize Labor Day, demand higher minimum wages and the defiance of IMF dictates calling for the removal of subsidies on oil and electricity.

Croatia: Five thousand workers marched through Zagreb to oppose government plans to reduce labor rights.

Greece: In Athens, 3,000 workers burned effigies of Israel Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and US Pres. George Bush to protest Israel's attacks on Palestine.

Hong Kong: More than 500 pilots marched in the streets with Filipino workers to demand the implementation of minimum wages and protest the dwindling value of their wages in the face of growing profits raked in by airline companies in Hong Kong.


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May 2002
English Edition

Prepare for and resist continued and escalating US military intervention in the Philippines

US military intervention
Rampant violations of human rights in Sulu
Regime terminates peace talks
Take advantage of intensifying conflicts among the reactionaries
On the planned Constitutional Convention
Gasoline, electricity, water:
People's protests against rising prices

May Day rallies demand Macapagal-Arroyo's ouster
Mass actions on International Labor Day
Revolutionary armed struggle in Nepal
Ang Bayan is the official news organ of the Communist Party of the Philippines issued by the CPP Central Committee. It provides news about the work of the Party as well as its analysis of and standpoint on current issues.

AB comes out fortnightly. It is published originally in Pilipino and translated into Bisaya, Ilokano, Waray, Hiligaynon and English.

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