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Murder of activists in Mindoro
Widespread anger flares against 204th Brigade

 Basahin ang artikulong ito sa Pilipino

Various sectors and personalities have expressed their anger at the 204th Bde and its commander Col. Jovito Palparan in the face of the murders of Elaine "Eden" Marcellana and Eddie Gumanoy, two activists investigating cases of human rights violations in Oriental Mindoro.

On April 21, Ka Eden, Karapatan-Southern Tagalog secretary-general and Ka Eddie, Katipunan ng mga Samahang Magbubukid sa Timog Katagalugan (KASAMA-TK) chair and three of their companions were abducted in Barangay Maibon, Naujan.

Marcellana and Gumanoy's bodies were later found in the town of Bansud. After being tortured, their three companions were left hogtied in the town of Bongabon by armed men wearing bonnets on their faces.

Marcellana and Gumanoy were conducting a fact-finding mission to investigate cases of human rights violations in Barangays Buong Lupa, Gloria and Pinamalayan.

Thousands joined the funeral march for Marcellana and Gumanoy in Mendiola on April 26 to demonstrate that it was the Macapagal-Arroyo regime that was responsible for this heinous crime and to condemn the intense militarization and human rights violations the regime has been perpetrating in Mindoro and various other places in the Philippines.

In his message during the wake at the UP Chapel on April 25, Gregorio "Ka Roger" Rosal expressed the Communist Party of the Philippines and New People's Army's strong condemnation of the terrible and deplorable murders of Ka Eden and Ka Eddie.

Said Ka Roger, "Col. Palparan is deathly afraid of human rights advocates who courageously take a stand and expose the military's shamelessness and abuses."

The more than 3,000 persons who joined the celebration of Aldaw Kordilyera in Ilocos Sur on April 24 also paid tribute to Ka Eden and Ka Eddie's heroism. During the gathering that was sponsored by the Cordillera People's Alliance, the participants gave recognition to Ka Eden and Ka Eddie's work for the welfare of the Mangyan people in Mindoro who, like the Kaigorotan, are struggling for the rights of national minorities.

The National Democratic Front of the Philippines likewise paid tribute to the two leaders. Comrades Joema and Julie Sison said they were "martyrs and heroes of the Filipino people." They added that "Only by expanding the democratic movement and struggling against the enemy can we avenge them and advance justice."

The Lucio de Guzman Command (LGC), the NPA command in Mindoro island, also expressed its condolences. "Our command pledges that Ka Eden and Ka Eddie's sacrifice of their lives on Mindoro land will not be in vain," said LGC spokesperson Victor Rivero.

Initial investigations conducted by Karapatan and Bayan Muna have proven that it was soldiers of the 204th Brigade who abducted and killed Marcellana and Gumanoy. Before they were abducted and killed, no less than Col. Johnny Gomez, Palparan's cohort in the 204th Bde, called up the mayor of Gloria ordering him to expel Karapatan members who were conducting an investigation. Three of those who were abducted also recognized Aniano "Silver" Flores, known to be one of the 204th Bde's men, since he did not wear a bonnet while torturing them. These investigations belie Col. Palparan's claim that vigilante groups were behind the crime.

Bayan Muna Rep. Satur Ocampo has recommended that the 204th Bde be confined to barracks. Ocampo said that the 204th Brigade was behind the killings of 27 other activists including Bayan Muna members and officers.

In the face of widespread anger at the military, the AFP leadership was forced to remove Col. Palparan from Mindoro and transfer him to the 2nd Infantry Division in Tanay, Rizal. Hearings for his confirmation as general have likewise been suspended by the Senate. Palparan's promotion last year demonstrated Arroyo's advocacy of the militarization of Mindoro island.

Nonetheless, there has been no change in the 204th Brigade's stance. Its officer-in-charge Col. Johnny Gomez is just as fascistic and is undoubtedly in cahoots with Palparan regarding the killings. When the Bayan Muna-Karapatan fact-finding mission went to Gloria to retrieve Ka Eden and Ka Eddie's bodies, Gomez frontally threatened them, saying that the Special Forces would "finish off" all of them.

Meanwhile, the Senate and Congress are set to conduct their own investigations on the murders of Marcellana and Gumanoy. This is apart from the investigation being conducted by a Department of Justice-National Bureau of Investigation task force.

Many, however, are skeptical that justice will be obtained under the current regime. Said Gumanoy's daughter Rose Ann, "We aren't hopeful that (Arroyo) will be able to help us. What happened to my father was what she wanted anyway."

Eden's husband Orly Marcellana said, "I would rather wait for revolutionary justice to be meted, the kind that was meted on Colonel Aguinaldo. Even if I have to wait for decades," he added.

In concluding his message, Ka Roger declared the New People's Army readiness to mete the appropriate punishment on Col. Palparan for all the crimes that he and the 204th Brigade have perpetrated against the people of Mindoro.


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07 May 2003
English Edition

Further resist intensifying militarization in Mindoro and other areas

Murder of activists in Mindoro
Widespread anger flares against 204th Brigade
Davao City, a laboratory for fascist measures
Fascist state on a rampage
Human rights violations intensifying

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Challenges to the workers' movement

Thousands of workers
troop to the streets on May 1

In search of greener pastures
Correspondence reports:
RPA-ABB's corruption further bared

Developments overseas

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