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Resist the anti-Moro war of the US-Estrada regime!

 Basahin ang artikulong ito sa Pilipino

The Communist Party of the Philippines strongly condemns the all-out anti-Moro war of the reactionary US-Estrada regime. The Party also expresses the commitment of all revolutionary forces to resist this war by intensifying people�s war nationwide.

The anti-Moro war is comprised principally of an all-out armed offensive in territories where the armed and political power of the Moro Islamic Liberation Front-Bangsamoro Islamic Armed Forces (MILF-BIAF) prevails. It also includes the conduct of smear campaigns against the Moro people�s religion and culture in order to create anti-Moro and anti-Muslim hysteria and justify the genocidal policy of hitting civilian populations and the outright violation of their civil rights.

The US-Estrada regime�s all-out war has wrought great damage on the Moro people�s livelihood and trampled on their interests and welfare. The reactionary regime has poured in 60% of AFP troops employing heavy artillery. It aims to crush the MILF-BIAF or compel it to surrender its armed struggle and sow fear among the Moro people. The Estrada regime wishes for the Moro people to bow to reactionary power and surrender their right and struggle for self-determination.

This intensifi ed anti-Moro war is a continuation of the historic oppression of the Moro people by the local exploiting classes and their foreign masters since the period of Spanish colonialism. Historically, the Moro people�s struggles were temporarily defeated only after the reactionary powers employed superior armed force and coopted vacillating Moro leaders.

The reactionary regime is again stoking the fl ames of the anti-Moro war after the MILF-BIAF exhibited its determination to pursue the interests of the Moro people. The MILF-BIAF waved anew the banner of armed struggle for self-determination of the Moro people after its betrayal and surrender by the Moro National Liberation Front. The Ramos and Estrada regimes failed to lure the MILF-BIAF onto the path of capitulation through peace negotiations. Thus, the MILF-BIAF was able to continuously gather broadening support among the Moro people and gain strength in the realm of political and armed struggles.

The anti-Moro war aims to put the rich resources of Mindanao under the full control of foreign big capitalists. Among the biggest supporters of the large-scale military offensive of the Estrada regime are the big foreign mining corporations interested in the large tracts of land in Central and Western Mindanao.

Estrada hopes that by waging an all-out war against the MILF-BIAF, it would be able to portray as stable what is in fact a tottering regime. By carrying out large-scale military operations, he labors under the illusion that the Moro people�s struggle can be crushed and that this will help in depicting his regime as firm and in control.

But due to the viciousness of this war, the justness and correctness of the Moro people�s struggle for selfdetermination becomes ever clearer. The Moro people will never be able to pursue their interests under the current oppressive system, whatever promise of autonomy or development is offered them. Thus, there is stronger unity among the Moro people, including their religious leaders, to fight the reactionary regime and militantly defend their interests. They are reaping the broadening support of even the non-Moros.

After carrying out active defense and counter-offensives, the MILFBIAF is now employing guerrilla tactics to fight the armed forces of the reactionary regime. They continue to deal ever-bigger blows against the AFP, resulting in sagging morale among the fascist troops.

The Estrada regime is wasting enormous resources in the AFP�s continuing operations against the MILF-BIAF. The anti-Estrada factions within the military have become more daring in condemning and expressing disgust over the ruling regime.

Now, more than ever, the Filipino and Moro people need to unite. The agreement of cooperation between the MILF and NDFP will serve as a strong foundation for this unity. On its basis or inspiration, the different mass organizations of the Moro and Filipino people can unite in various ways and seize opportunities to muster the broadest forces in opposing the ruling US-Estrada regime.

The tactical offensives of the New People�s Army against the troops of the reactionary enemy will serve as a primary binding force for this unity. We reiterate the call to take advantage of the overextendedness of AFP-PNP forces in many areas by ranging a superior force against small and isolated armed enemy units and rapidly broaden the revolutionary mass base in the countryside, while continuing to take appropriate measures to ensure security.

Through this and the widespread struggles of the people, Estrada�s allout war against the MILF-BIAF will only accelerate the weakening and downfall of his regime.


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06 May 2000
English Edition

Resist the anti-Moro war of the US-Estrada regime!
The vicious anti-Moro war
At what price?
Interview with Ka Roger
All-out imposition of imperialist dictates on the economy
Tattered safety nets
The workers� movement
Intensifying mass struggles

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NDFP rescinds order to release prisoner of war
Continuing economic stagnation in Japan
Mass struggles advancing in Southern Tagalog

Ang Bayan is the official news organ of the Communist Party of the Philippines issued by the CPP Central Committee. It provides news about the work of the Party as well as its analysis of and standpoint on current issues.

AB comes out fortnightly. It is published originally in Pilipino and translated into Bisaya, Ilokano, Waray, Hiligaynon and English.

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