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Collaboration between Tabara and the reactionary regime

 Basahin ang artikulong ito sa Pilipino

Tabara chaired the anti-communist RPMP-RPA, found-ing it after he was expelled from the Party in 1992 because of his criminal accountabilities to the Party and the revolutionary move-ment.

In 1997, he merged his forces with the ABB led by Nilo de la Cruz (alias Sergio Romero) with the aim of continuing their criminal activities and fighting the NPA.

The RPA-ABB is directly supported and funded by the Arroyo regime, with the AFP supplying it with arms. It serves as the private army of Eduardo "Danding" Cojuangco and other big landlords in Negros. It forged an agreement with the Estrada regime in December 2000, and with the Arroyo regime in February 2001.

It was the Tabara-de la Cruz cabal, supported by the criminal syndicate headed by former Philippine National Police chief Panfilo Lacson, that was behind the killing of Filemon "Popoy" Lagman in February 2001. They had fought over the P400 million bribe given to Lagman by the Public Estates Authority (PEA)-Amari for the eviction of thousands of poor families from Freedom Island in Para�aque.

In the "clarification document" signed by Tabara and the Arroyo regime in February 2001, the RPA-ABB was designated as a "special militia" that would coordinate with the AFP in operations against the NPA. For this purpose, the Arroyo regime agreed to issue high-powered firearms to the RPA-ABB, which later came to be known as the "CAFGU-RPA" under the AFP's 3rd Infantry Division.

As a result of such collusion, the RPA-ABB has played an active role in the murder of cadres and members of the Party and the NPA, and in the massive dislocation and suffering of the peasant masses due to military operations launched by combined forces of the RPA-ABB and the AFP.


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07 October 2004
English Edition

The New People's Army will intensify its armed offensives

Victorious NPA offensives:
NPA in Cagayan punishes abusive AFP unit

Arturo Tabara, hardened criminal and rabid counterrevolutionary
Collaboration between Tabara and the reactionary regime
Fascist violence and deception go hand in hand with imperialist mining in Samar
Workers resist layoffs in Hacienda Luisita
Widespread hunger and poverty in the country
GSIS employees' cry:
Oust Winston Garcia!

The Bush regime will pay dearly for its invasion and occupation of Iraq
Mounting US casualties in Iraq
Ang Bayan is the official news organ of the Communist Party of the Philippines issued by the CPP Central Committee. It provides news about the work of the Party as well as its analysis of and standpoint on current issues.

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