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Sa Ibayong Dagat:
Armed struggle intensifies in Colombia

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The armed struggle waged by the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) continues to intensify against the puppet and fascist regime of Alvaro Uribe. Over 40 soldiers were killed in FARC offensives in February.

Seventeen soldiers, including an officer, were killed in ambushes launched by FARC fighters on February 9 near the town of Mutata in the northern province of Urabia. Eight soldiers were also reported missing. On February 1, up to 16 Marines were killed in a barrage of rockets on their headquarters. Eight others were killed after a bomb detonated on a patrolling military jeep. The government sustained at least five casualties in subsequent battles.

FARC is one of the main revolutionary forces that has been fighting the Colombian government since 1964. The Uribe government launched a large-scale offensive against FARC in August 2002. Despite aid from US imperialism in the guise of an anti-drugs campaign, FARC has steadily grown.


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21 February 2005
English Edition

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Sa Ibayong Dagat:
Armed struggle intensifies in Colombia
Ang Bayan is the official news organ of the Communist Party of the Philippines issued by the CPP Central Committee. It provides news about the work of the Party as well as its analysis of and standpoint on current issues.

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