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Under the VFA:
Abuses by American troops

 Basahin ang artikulong ito sa Pilipino

The Balikatan 2000 military exercises held in January-March had already victimized minorities and other ordinary civilians. But just as Balikatan was coming to a close, three American soldiers mauled taxi driver Marcelo Batistil in Cebu on March 6. The soldiers belonged to the USS Blue Ridge which anchored in Cebu before returning to its main headquarters.

The three soldiers were not on official duty when they beat up Batistil. But instead of being penalized under Philippine laws, they were repatriated and their case left to the US courts to decide. This violated the very provisions of the perverted VFA.

In the last week of June, Arnelo Gabiola, 18, and his cousin Rolley Narvares, 17, were killed, and Jordan Villarmina, 11, was wounded, when an M79 grenade exploded while they were gathering firewood from an area in Toledo City, Cebu where Flash Piston 007 was held. The Toledo local government was never informed about the use of the grounds of the Atlas Consolidated Mining Development Corp. from August 14 to 19 as a firing range by around 30 soldiers from the US Navy SEALS and Philippine Navy. Besides this, no warning was issued to advise the public regarding the exercise. Neither did the troops perform their obligation to clean up the area where the exercise was held. To date, the US has not admitted its responsibility for the loss and injury suffered by the victims.

Meanwhile, prostitution thrives once again in areas covered by Balikatan in Clark and Subic years after the US military bases were dismantled in 1991. The VFA has engendered the rampant exploitation of women and children who are driven to prostitution because of extreme poverty.


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October 2000
English Edition

Take advantage of the grave political crisis of the ruling system!

Advance and further strengthen the revolutionary movement!

The economy continues to decline amid the political crisis
Teaching to struggle:
Oppressed situation of teachers

A toxic legacy
Under the VFA:
Further imperialist aggression

Under the VFA:
Abuses by American troops
The United Nations:
Apologist for imperialism

News of the people�s struggle
Ang Bayan is the official news organ of the Communist Party of the Philippines issued by the CPP Central Committee. It provides news about the work of the Party as well as its analysis of and standpoint on current issues.

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