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Bush doctrine under fire the world over

 Basahin ang artikulong ito sa Pilipino

THE NEW "BUSH DOCTRINE" AND ITS ATTENDANT "WAR without borders" are reaping intense criticism. Protests by progressive and democratic forces are growing broader and stronger in the US itself and elsewhere the world over.

At the same time, vehement criticism is spreading from China and Russia to US allies in Europe and South America. This can lead to the US� international isolation.

The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs lambasted Bush�s declaration of an expanded US war of aggression, warning that the declaration would have "serious consequences" if followed by military action.

The Russian Prime Minister, Vladimir Putin, also criticized the US� expansion of the war in Afghanistan and extending it elsewhere in the world.

French Foreign Minister Hubert Vedrine expressed concern over the US� "simplistic and unilateral" decisions "based on its own worldview and self-interest" and relatedly its extending the war against "terrorism" outside Afghanistan. He likewise criticized US� actions that "limit the self determination, sovereignty and freedom of action of other nations of the world."

European Union External Affairs Commisioner Chris Patten made the same strong criticism during the European foreign ministers� gathering in Spain. According to Patten, it is about time Europeans take a stand against the present "unilateral overdrive" of the US. Participants in the meeting unanimously supported Patten�s position.

Meanwhile, Japan distanced itself from Bush�s declaration as Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi announced his country�s continuing openness to talk with Iraq, Iran and North Korea. He clarified that "Japan has a way different from that of the US".

Further, according to the World Social Forum�s Peace Conference (WSFPC), the US "moved to impose its will on the world through force", "installed a new Cold War climate" and is now acting as the world�s "perpetual agent of terror". Nobel Peace laureates and other world peace advocates attended the conference. The WSFPC added that the "the United Nations has definitely lost its role".

The World Parliamentary Forum (WPF) also condemned the US� declaration of Iran, Iraq and North Korea as the "Axis of evil" and as the next targets of the US� "unilateral military attacks". One thousand, one hundred fifty-five (1,155) lawmakers and officials from 40 countries attended the WPF meeting.


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February 2002
English Edition

Editorial: Make the Macapagal-Arroyo regime pay dearly
The return: US armed intervention in the Philippines
Further trampling on the sovereignty of nations: Bush Doctrine
On the increased US war budget
Bush doctrine under fire the world over
US military power in the Asia-Pacific
North Korea prepared to resist US aggression
FARC demands pullout of US "Military Advisers" in Colombia
[Looking Back: A century of US imperialist devastation] Previous Balikatan exercises - Violations of the people's rights
[Looking Back: A century of US imperialist devastation] Ravages in the time of the US military bases in the Philippines
[Looking Back: A century of US imperialist devastation] Filipino-American War (1899-1913) The first US imperialist intervention in the country
[Looking Back: A century of US imperialist devastation] Echoes of US armed intervention in Vietnam
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