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Victorious NPA offensives:
NPA seizes 56 firearms in raids

 Basahin ang artikulong ito sa Pilipino

Red fighters seized 56 firearms in four separate raids on Philippine National Police (PNP) stations in Agusan del Sur, Aurora, Iloilo and Davao del Norte between June 12 and 20. The NPA also carried out an ambush in Quezon and a raid in Compostela Valley in the same period.

In Davao del Norte. The NPA confiscated 24 high-powered rifles and 2,000 rounds of ammunition in a raid on the New Corella police station on the night of June 20. One policeman was killed and another wounded when they exchanged fire with 30 Red fighters aboard three vans. The guerrillas passed themselves off as personnel of the Philippine Army's Task Force Davao.

In Agusan del Sur. The NPA under the leadership of the Northeastern Regional Command attacked the municipality of Bayugan on the afternoon of June 19 and confiscated seven M16s and five M14s.

Two policemen were killed while another was wounded in the fighting.

In Iloilo. A 50-strong NPA unit under the Napoleon Tumagtang Command-Southern Front assaulted the Tubungan municipal hall at around 12:45 in the afternoon. The policemen succumbed to a ruse and thought that the Red fighters who alighted from two passenger jeeps were Philippine Army troops.

It was too late when the policemen realized what was going on.

The NPA guerrillas immediately maneuvered to raid the municipal hall. Eight NPA troops quickly entered the premises and told the policemen to lie facedown on the floor. The Red fighters approached and disarmed all of the policemen in the municipal hall, including those who were then training elements of the Civilian Volunteers Organization (CVO).

At the same time, eight other guerrillas entered the police station behind the municipal hall. After a brief firefight, they overpowered the 12 policemen at the station. Meanwhile, an employee who sustained minor injuries when he was hit by glass fragments from a mirror shattered by a grenade blast received first aid treatment from a Red fighter.

Sixteen firearms were confiscated from the police: nine M16s and two M14s, three 9 mm�s, a Super .38 pistol and a shotgun. One communications radio was also seized.

It was the first municipal hall raid in Panay since the Second Great Rectification Movement was launched.

Before the attack, the Tubungan Municipal Council had passed a resolution calling for the dismantling of the 3rd ID Reconnaissance Company deployed in the area.

In Aurora. Four firearms were seized and two policemen were killed when a 15-strong NPA unit raided the PNP station in Barangay South Poblacion, Dipaculao on the night of June 12.

The military sent reinforcements but the Red fighters had already retreated and carted away two M16s, a 9 mm, a Super .38 and ammunition.

In Quezon. A Philippine Army soldier was killed and three other troops seriously wounded in an NPA ambush in Barangay Nanadiego, Mulanay on the morning of June 16.

The fighting lasted four hours.

In Compostela Valley. An NPA guerrilla platoon attacked a CAFGU detachment in Barangay Libay- Libay, Maco, Compostela Valley on June 17.


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21 June 2004
English Edition

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Victorious NPA offensives:
NPA seizes 56 firearms in raids
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Ang Bayan is the official news organ of the Communist Party of the Philippines issued by the CPP Central Committee. It provides news about the work of the Party as well as its analysis of and standpoint on current issues.

AB comes out fortnightly. It is published originally in Pilipino and translated into Bisaya, Ilokano, Waray, Hiligaynon and English.

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