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The lopsided road to peace in Palestine

 Basahin ang artikulong ito sa Pilipino

In direct contrast to the openness showed by Palestine, the Israeli government persistently refuses to undertake the necessary steps to resolve its decades-long conflict with Palestine. (See related article in AB�s previous issue)

Israeli prime minister Ariel Sharon was less than truthful when he said that his government would loosen its grip on the Palestinian people. Attacks continue without letup along with the occupation of Palestinian cities and repressive and brutal acts by Israeli forces against the Palestinian people. Likewise, Israel has not put a stop to, and has even justified, the expansion of Israeli colonies within Palestine.

The newest �solution� proffered by the �roadmap� is the collective handiwork of the US government and Israeli representatives, and is therefore extremely lopsided against Palestinian interests.

It is supposed to culminate in the establishment of the longed-for independent state of Palestine, possibly by 2005. But before its establishment, Palestine must first comply with many onerous and lopsided conditions. Should it be established, the product will be a raw and non-independent state because it is the Quartet (the US, United Nations, European Union and Russia�the group that drafted the �roadmap�) that will decide on all aspects related to the establishment of the Palestinian state: what kind of government will be set up, how it will be set up, who should be elected, how they should be elected, what policies should the state pursue, how the state should be run, among others. Through the �roadmap� and the Quartet, the US has laid down the manner in which it could perpetrate its unbridled intervention in Palestine�s internal affairs.

It is supposedly �possible� for an �independent Palestinian state� to be established even before 2005, but only if Palestine can comply early enough with all the conditions imposed on it. Nonetheless, such a �state� would have �temporary� borders, bear only �some attributes� of sovereignty and will remain under the Quartet�s supervision.

On the other hand, the �roadmap� mandates Israel�s immediate withdrawal only from territories it has been occupying since March 2001. The occupying forces� withdrawal from territories seized from September 2000 to March 2001 is contingent on Palestine�s �security performace� or its response to the demand for it to disarm. Besides this, there is no clear provision for Israel to return territories seized from Palestine before September 2000.

The �roadmap� makes it appear that the actions of Israel�s military forces have all been in self-defense and are mere reactions to Palestinian moves. It does not recognize the fact that it is Israel�s violent, illegal and immoral occupation of Palestine that has spurred the Palestinian people to fight for their rights.


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21 May 2003
English Edition

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The lopsided road to peace in Palestine
Ang Bayan is the official news organ of the Communist Party of the Philippines issued by the CPP Central Committee. It provides news about the work of the Party as well as its analysis of and standpoint on current issues.

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