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Revolutionary policy on the environment in Panay

 Basahin ang artikulong ito sa Pilipino

When Col. Victor Corpus was given a new assignment, the Philippine Army stopped pursuing the "Greening Panay" reforestation sham. In fact, they started cutting some of the mahogany trees Corpus ordered planted. The cutting of indigenous tree species continued because Philippine Army and CAFGU elements themselves were engaged in the baroto (dugout canoe) business. The soldiers would pay P2,000 to a group of four baroto makers and sell the canoe in Pontevedra, Capiz for P30,000 to P40,000.

Revolutionary mass organizations have been far more successful in preserving the forests and the environment as a whole. In an interview, Ka Sylvia, a leading Communist Party cadre in Panay, said that it was the mass organizations themselves in many barangays in Tapaz and Jamindan, Capiz, that determine when and in what part of the woods tree-cutting and hunting would be allowed.

In relatively consolidated areas, the people's democratic government bans the commercial sale of logs and the use of chainsaws, except when the wood is to be used for community needs such as schools and health centers. Baroto making is only allowed from April to June, the time of tigkiriwi or food scarcity. Logs or lumber may only be sold if they come from previously felled trees or from logs washed up by the Pan-ay River.

Aside from banning logging, it has also been the policy of the people's democratic government to ban the practice of kaingin (slash-and-burn agriculture). "It was the masses themselves who pushed for the ban in order to preserve the trees, the land and the fauna," said Ka Sylvia.

To ensure the implementation of these policies, the people's democratic government mobilizes the mass organizations who are assisted by units of the New People's Army (NPA). Violators are ordered to plant indigenous trees such as acacia, apitong, molave, narra, lawaan or yakal in designated areas and not the commercial and destructive mahogany.

Aside from caring for the forests, the revolutionary mass organizations also look after rivers and streams and strictly forbid the use of poisons such as Endrin, Cymbus in fishing.

Vigorous campaigns are conducted to increase rice production without depending on chemical fertilizers and pesticides. Campaigns are likewise launched to improve the overall level of production to wean peasants away from their dependence on baroto making and logging for a living.

The planting of Bt corn has also been banned. The revolutionary movement likewise provides training on disaster preparedness and mass education on environmental protection.


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07 February 2005
English Edition

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Gen. Victor Corpus:
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Revolutionary policy on the environment in Panay
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