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 Basahin ang artikulong ito sa Pilipino

Nation remembers martial law

The government�s �leaning toward the United States� is a situation comparable to that prevailing on the eve of Marcos� imposition of martial rule in 1972. Thus stated Vice Pres. Teofisto Guingona in a forum September 21 at the De La Salle University. The forum was part of a series of activities in observance of the 30th anniversary of the declaration of martial law.

�Although there is no martial law, iron-fist rule exists,� said Fr. Joe Dizon in the same forum.

In Laoag City, around 1,000 farmers belonging to the Solidarity of Peasants Against Exploitation-Ilocos (Stop-Ex-Ilocos) and BAYAN-Ilocos marched from the Divine Word College to the provincial capitol to remind Ilocanos of the terrifying years of martial law. The farmers came from La Union, Ilocos Sur, Ilocos Norte and Abra.

About 1,700 farmers led by BAYAN and the Paghugpong sang mga Mangunguma sa Panay kag Guimaras (Pamanggas) marched along the main thoroughfares of Iloilo City denouncing the widespread militarization in Panay, especially against national minorities.

Rallies were also launched in different parts of Negros including Bacolod City, Cauayan, Kabankalan and Escalante. �Our cry is never again to martial law,� said BAYAN-Negros secretary general Julius Mirabeles.

In Cauayan, Negros Occidental, a marker was unveiled in memory of those who bravely fought against martial rule. �This marker is a reminder of Marcos� reign of terror�,� declared Task Force Detainees-Western Visayas (TFD-WV) which called for an end to Macapagal-Arroyo�s all-out war campaign.

The TFD-WV also said that the number of political detainees is growing. Including the 12 in Bicol and eight in Negros who were arrested on August 30, political prisoners now number 197 in 63 jails nationwide.

AFP vilifying Bayan Muna

A report of the Mt. Province Provincial Peace and Order Council (PPOC) revealed that it is the military that is behind the smear campaign against the party-list group Bayan Muna.

In the report, the Philippine Army�s 5th ID maliciously linked to the revolutionary movement projects being funded by Bayan Muna representatives in Congress. These include the P1-million water system project in Barangay Mainit, Bontoc and the P1-million drainage system for a public elementary school in the same town.

The report likewise stated the false claims by Maj. Carlito Bueno Jr of the 2nd Special Forces Company regarding Wyndel Bolinget and Jonathan Torafeng, officers of the Cordillera People�s Alliance. Major Bueno claims that Bolinget and Torafeng asked for the votes of Barangay Mainit residents in the barangay and Sangguniang Kabataan elections on July, before the projects were implemented. But according to Bolinget, he has not been to Mainit since 1999.

Mayor Thomas Killip of Sagada, Mt. Province expressed concern over the military�s negative view of the P5 million allocated by Bayan Muna for the construction of a five-kilometer road linking Ambasing and Sagada-Dantay.

He described as irrational the military�s campaign against Bayan Muna. �Actually, the ones who are being called terrorists are the people who want to help our community,� he said.

Anti-PPA protest actions staged in Panay

Some 9,000 people launched protest actions against the purchased power adjustment (PPA) in Panay in September.

In Iloilo City, about 7,000 marched along the city�s main roads. In Roxas City, around 2,000 including 50 Catholic priests gathered for a prayer rally against the PPA.

The Iloilo provincial chapter of the coalition People Opposed to Warrantless Electricity Rates (POWER) was formed on September 12. The coalition includes BAYAN, the local governments of nine Iloilo towns and the Archdiocese of Jaro.

Vendors protest

At least 1,250 people took part in protest actions between August 22 and September 12 against Metro Manila Development Authority chairman Bayani Fernados�s campaign to rid the metropolis of sidewalk vendors. The mass actions were led by the Alyansa ng mga Manininda sa Kalookan; Alyansa ng mga Manininda Para sa Pagtatanggol sa Kabuhayan at Karapatan; and Metro Manila Vendors Alliance.

Petroleum prices hiked anew

Prices of petroleum products rose for the fifth time this year in September. Caltex, Petron and Shell imposed an increase of around 39 centavos per liter of gasoline, diesel fuel and kerosene. Eastern Petroleum and Total followed suit. Meanwhile, the price of liquefied petroleum gas was raised by P1 per kilogram. Militant organizations protested the price hikes. PISTON, the militant organization of drivers and operators of public utility vehicles, stated that it would be compelled to demand an increase in fare rates by P1 if oil prices were not rolled back.

U.S. pushes for junking of ICC

Around 150 countries are being pressured by the US not to ratify the 1998 Rome Statute which provides for the establishment of the International Criminal Court (ICC). The US threatens to withdraw its pledges of aid if the countries do not give in. Among the first countries to be warned were Lithuania, Estonia and Latvia. Meanwhile, the Philippines has rejected the ICC.

The ICC will try cases of genocide, war crimes and other crimes against humanity. The US is extremely worried about the establishment of the ICC because it is guilty of a long list of crimes against humanity.

Nepal revolutionaries launch offensives, strike

A mere ten days after lifting the state of emergency, the reactionary state of Nepal was again shaken by two big offensives by the People�s Liberation Army (PLA) of the Communist Party of Nepal-Maoist. The PLA attacked government troops in the district of Sindhuli and the town of Sandhikharka on September 8 and 9, killing 89 policemen and 17 soldiers.

The state was shaken further when a general strike paralyzed the country September 16. The strike was organized to protest the coming November elections.

King Gyanendra of Nepal first declared a state of emergency in November 2001 after a spate of PLA attacks that resulted in a large number of military and police casualties.

Palestinian protest actions spreading

The major towns and the Occupied Territories in Palestine witnessed big rallies last September despite nonstop bombing by the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF). On September 19, the IDF stopped short of leveling the headquarters of Yasser Arafat, head of the Palestinian Authority. The United Nations Security Council passed a resolution for the immediate withdrawal of the IDF from Palestinian territory a few days later with only the US refusing to sign. Israel had earlier refused to heed the resolution but was later on compelled to pull out from Ramallah on September 28.


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October 2002
English Edition

Raise the level of the growing patriotic united front

Guingona�s voice of patriotism
Military bases ouster commemorated
Top Story:
Successful tactical offensives of the NPA

Bush warmongering against Iraq continues
Bush: Hitler, threat to peace
US: Threat to the security and independence of nations
Opposition to war on Iraq spreads
The Arroyo couple�s scandalous corruption
The Mike Arroyo-NAD conspiracy
Land-occupation in northwestern Leyte:
Unity and resolute resistance

The capitulation and criminality of the RPM-RPA-ABB
Defend Comrade Joema
On the terrorism of US imperialism and the Macapagal-Arroyo regime
Ang Bayan is the official news organ of the Communist Party of the Philippines issued by the CPP Central Committee. It provides news about the work of the Party as well as its analysis of and standpoint on current issues.

AB comes out fortnightly. It is published originally in Pilipino and translated into Bisaya, Ilokano, Waray, Hiligaynon and English.

Acrobat PDF files of AB are available online for downloading and offline reading printing. If you wish to receive copies of AB via email, click here.

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