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PKM chapter established in South Quezon village

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Despite relentless enemy military operations, 56 representatives of mass organizations of different sectors, including children�s groups successfully held a conference to establish a Pambansang Katipunan ng mga Magbubukid (PKM) chapter in a barrio in South Quezon.

The territorial Party committee appointed the PKM chapter�s leadership consisting of its executive committee as well as members of the committees for organization, economy, health, defense and education.

Before holding the conference, the New People�s Army (NPA) and the Party branch in the locality (PBL) first went through the process of combating conservatism in mass work. Because of conservatism, it took a long time to raise the level of organization of the masses in the barrios even when there was enough basis to do so. Organizing in the barrio was given a push starting in 2003, culminating with the present strength and breadth achieved by the mass organization.

The NPA and the PBL closely cooperated in preparing the requisites for launching the conference, which had been scheduled as early as last year.

A thorough social investigation of the barrio was conducted. The investigation revealed that the barrio was not a typical agricultural area. There were extensive coconut lands and banana plantations, interspersed with several patches of swidden farms owned by small farmers. Up to 40% of the area is classified as public land. Within the titled coconut lands usually owned by prominent families, peasants serve as tenants in charge of one to two hectares.

A more in-depth account of the barrio�s revolutionary history was completed. The NPA began to operate in the village in 1981, with the revolutionary movement reaching its peak strength from 1985 to 1987. Due to the erroneous ideological, political and organizational line, the movement steadily weakened from the latter part of 1987 to 1989. In spite of this, the mass organizations and the Party branch remained intact.

From 1990-1992, the NPA operated intermittently in the barrio. It was only in 1995 when the Red fighters were able to operate consistently. Steady recovery work in the area was carried out within the framework of the Second Great Rectification Movement.

One of the factors behind the barrio�s successful recovery was the NPA�s participation in production work and in encouraging suyuan (mutual exchange of labor) for the purpose of clearing large tracts of land for swidden farming. The villagers� earnings grew, as they slowly shifted to copra production and planting other food crops from having relied solely on selling bananas and banana blossoms (or inflorescence).

The role of organized women in consolidating the mass base and laying the foundation for the establishment of the mass organizations was likewise outstanding. Because many of the women were former members of Party branches in other barrios, they were able to help the NPA and other members of the PBL immensely in organizing and providing political education. Eventually, they were able to launch education sessions on their own without the Red fighters.

The revolutionary movement�s strong influence in the barrio is very much felt. Even members of the barangay council acknowledge the revolutionary cause. Weeding out unsavory elements and enemy agents is likewise vigorous. The people�s militia and mass organizations have a well-functioning system of intelligence work and reporting that ensures the security of the NPA and the barrio. Rules for clandestine operations are strictly followed to prevent the military from arresting known members of the Party and mass organizations.

At present, more than 70% of the barrio�s population is organized. Majority of the members have already finished the basic mass course. The masses have been tempered in agrarian revolution struggles and in confronting the enemy�s intense military operations. The people�s militia participates in tactical offensives as part of its military training.

Setting up mass organizations in the barrio is an important component in the upsurge of the revolutionary movement. As a consequence, the Party is expected to exercise more in-depth leadership, the NPA to grow in strength and the level of mass organizations to rise to a higher level. These will serve as the solid core of revolutionary advance in the face of escalating militarization and intensifying counterrevolutionary war.


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21 March 2005
English Edition

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PKM chapter established in South Quezon village
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