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Selected quotes
Mobilize the broad masses of the people to deliver the death blow to the Estrada regime �Armando Liwanag

 Basahin ang artikulong ito sa Pilipino

This statement of Chairperson of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Philippines Armando Liwanag, for the Party�s 32nd anniversary, was published by Ang Bayan in a special issue dated December 26, 2000. Its Pilipino, Bisaya, Hiligaynon and English editions may be downloaded from http://angbayan.cjb.net.

�As we celebrate the 32nd anniversary of the reestablishment of the Communist Party of the Philippines under the theoretical guidance of Marxism-Leninism- Maoism,

we resolve to mobilize the broad masses of the people in order to deliver the death blow to the USEstrada regime, strengthen all revolutionary forces and intensify all forms of revolutionary struggle.�

�The Estrada regime is both the product and the aggravation of the chronic crisis of the rotten ruling system.It is a glaring proof of the decadent and moribund character of the system that someone like Estrada has become the president of the neocolonial republic.He blends the rapacity of the imperialists, the worst of the local reactionaries and criminal syndicates.�

�It is correct to focus on the culpability of Estrada and his ruling clique and the necessity of overthrowing them.But we do not lose sight of the fact that the entire ruling system has become more exploitative and oppressive because of the �free market� policy dictates of the imperialist firms, banks and multilateral agencies such as the IMF, World Bank and WTO.These have accelerated and aggravatedimperialist profit-taking, feudal and semifeudal accumulation of land and bureaucratic corruption.These have rapidly resulted in the fierce resistance of the people and the isolation of the Estrada regime.�

�The economic crisis is at the base of the current political crisis.The contradictions among the reactionaries have become more bitter because the spoils available for division among them have been much reduced and the Estrada ruling clique has tended to monopolize the loot.The main beneficiaries of bureaucrat capitalism are Estrada himself, Eduardo Cojuangco, an assortment of Filipino-Chinese businessmen and Estrada�s multiple families.�

�The broad united front consists of the Left, Middle and anti-Estrada Right.It is a loose alliance bound by the single purpose of removing Estrada from power.It has been easier for the Left and Middle to unite with the forces of the Right, that are frankly reactionary but are anti-Estrada, than with certain grouplets that misrepresent themselves as Left but try to deflect the concentrated fire on Estrada and sabotage the broad united front.�

�The US-Estrada regime is both corrupt and repressive.It has used the military, police, paramilitary forces and private armed gangs to enforce the antilabor policy, deprive the peasant masses and national minorities of their land and attack mass protest actions.It has intensified military campaigns of suppression against the revolutionary mass base and forces of the Communist Party of the Philippines and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF).�

�Mustering a broad united front of forces against the narrowest target, which is the current ruling clique, does not mean changing the program of new-democratic revolution and the strategic line of protracted people�s war.It means stepping up the tempo of mass protests and revolutionary resistance by which the revolutionary forces can gain strength and advance.�

�Between now and the fall of Estrada, if he were to fall soon, there is not enough time to make any radical change in the balance of forces between the armed counterrevolution and the armed revolution or to create and strengthen any governing council that can truly serve the national and democratic interests of the people.�

�The crisis of the ruling system is so grave that the new regime is under compulsion to yield further to the dictates of the imperialists and at the same time to avoid the wrath of the people by some token measures and deceptive tactics, without which her isolation will come fast�.�

�The Communist Party of the Philippines is ideologically, politically and organizationally prepared to confront the new ruling clique as this assumes the role of being the enemy of the people.The strength accumulated by the revolutionary forces and the people in the course of fighting the entire ruling system andoverthrowing the US-Estrada regime will be available against the new ruling clique.The crisis of the moribund ruling system will not end but will worsen.It will continue to favor the advance of the new-democratic revolution.�


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December 2000
English Edition

With the onset of 2001, unleash a powerful storm that shall put an end to the US-Estrada regime

Selected quotes
Mobilize the broad masses of the people to deliver the death blow to the Estrada regime �Armando Liwanag
Estrada regime: at the brink of death:
Rapidly plummeting economic crisis

Estrada regime: at the brink of death:
Puppetry, corruption and fascism

Trouble in the neocolonies
Paving the way for an international league of people�s struggles
News of struggle
More news from Bicol
Ang Bayan is the official news organ of the Communist Party of the Philippines issued by the CPP Central Committee. It provides news about the work of the Party as well as its analysis of and standpoint on current issues.

AB comes out fortnightly. It is published originally in Pilipino and translated into Bisaya, Ilokano, Waray, Hiligaynon and English.

Acrobat PDF files of AB are available online for downloading and offline reading printing. If you wish to receive copies of AB via email, click here.

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