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Raise the struggle for a significant wage increase to a new and higher level

 Basahin ang artikulong ito sa Pilipino

It is correct and absolutely necessary to reinvigorate the workers' struggle for higher wages. The call for a P125 increase in the minimum daily wage to reduce the wide gap between workers' wages and their families' actual needs is as correct and just as ever.

The struggle aims to avert the continuing decline of workers' purchasing power vis a vis the ravages of the economic crisis. Above all, it addresses the basic right to a human and decent life that capitalists in collusion with the ruling factions in power brutally violate and deny the workers.

It exposes the system of wage-slavery and opposes the unbridled exploitation of workers and all toiling masses. It points to the need for a national-democratic revolution as the solution to the economic crisis characteristic of a semicolonial and semifeudal social system.

In chorus with its capitalist patrons, the Arroyo regime continues to stand in the way of a wage hike. In its past three years in office, there has been no significant increase in wages except for the small change granted by regional wage boards which were more of an insult than a help to workers. Worse, the regime now plans to revoke such minuscule wage hikes through new and additional taxes.

The workers' movement must harness its strength to achieve victories in the struggle for more wages. A nationwide struggle for higher wages may ignite with the stronger unity of the various labor centers. Utmost effort must be exerted to strengthen workers' unions and organizations, especially in areas where there is a high concentration of workers. It is extremely important to smash the terrorism enforced by the state and big capitalists within enclaves and assert the right of workers to organize and express themselves in these areas. It is imperative to fight yellow unionism wherever it prevails. Due attention must be paid to communities of semiproletarians and farm workers as it is their unions and organizations that will banner the call to raise wages in their respective areas.

Together with the long-standing struggle for a wage increase, it is likewise imperative to continue to bring to the public�s attention, major issues of the workers' movement such as rampant unemployment, contractualization and the suppression of labor rights. It is these campaigns that provide support and serve as the umbrella for local struggles and may serve as the central calls in the effort to expand and consolidate unions.

In this regard, it is extremely crucial to expose and oppose the devious and divisive maneuvers of yellow and counterrevolutionary elements. They claim to speak for the workers and offer all kinds of alternatives that actually dovetail the rationalizations of capitalists and the regime and derail the workers' struggle.

There is fertile ground for expanding the united front for higher wages. The alliances formed by workers with democratic forces in the church, local governments and other institutions are sure to expand. Tactical alliances with sections of the ruling classes are likewise assured of expansion as the crisis of the entire ruling system rapidly worsens.

More than ever, it is important for the workers' movement to be at the forefront of the urban mass movement. The people's discontent and anger only await guidance and direction, especially at this point when the crisis and the regime's harsh economic policies cause so much suffering.


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21 September 2004
English Edition

The people shall shake the foundations of the US-Arroyo regime regime

Raise the struggle for a significant wage increase to a new and higher level
Health workers demand P3,000 salary hike
The revolution's policy on energy
Power rate hike looms anew
Amid a colossal debt burden
Severe graft and corruption in Napocor

Shameless indulgence
A conference of gains in Northeastern Luzon
Red fighters reap victories in Samar
Ang Bayan is the official news organ of the Communist Party of the Philippines issued by the CPP Central Committee. It provides news about the work of the Party as well as its analysis of and standpoint on current issues.

AB comes out fortnightly. It is published originally in Pilipino and translated into Bisaya, Ilokano, Waray, Hiligaynon and English.

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