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On the nationality question and the right to self-determination

 Basahin ang artikulong ito sa Pilipino

In its September-October 1999 issue, Ang Bayan (AB) published a

letter from Ka Adi of the Ilocos-Cordillera region and a related article

dwelling on the Moro nationality and self-determination question. The

following is a rejoinder sent by a member of the Executive Committee of

the Central Committee and received recently by AB.

Regarding AB�s reply to K. Adi�s question on the Moro people,

I believe it is necessary to clarify that the principle of

recognizing the right to self-determination should concur with

the political concept on nationality, but should prevail over the latter

should conflicts arise.

On the issue of the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF), we should

clarify, in a balanced way, that our recognition for existing concepts of

nationality among groups within the revolutionary movement of the Moro

people is integral to our recognition of the right to self-determination, especially

since in the case of the Moro people, this has both historical and contemporary

basis. Thus, in our relations with the MILF, we respect their political concept

where they consider themselves as a separate people even if we stand for a

political concept that sees them as part of the Filipino people.

Through our independent organizing efforts among the Moro people

and through our close alliance with them within the framework of the nationaldemocratic

revolution and our recognition of their right to self-determination,

we are able to demonstrate to them through clarifications and sincere

actions�that there is basis within the framework of the national democratic

revolution and the establishment of a new social system for the abolition of

the centuries-old national oppression that they have experienced and basis

as well for carrying out, on a wide scale, the political concept that they are

part of the Filipino people.

Should the concept that they are a separate people and that they should

secede from the country still prevail upon the attainment of revolutionary

victory, we should respect this for as long as they do not become instruments

of imperialism or the restoration of semicolonial and semifeudal conditions.

But it is in the very act of advancing the revolution side by side, unitedly or in

cooperation that we shall be able to minimize the conditions that may lead to

this. Aside from this, there remains the fact that many of the provinces where

the Moro people live have majority populations that are non-Moro.

For AB�s readers and for the revolutionary masses, I believe there is

greater significance in stressing our openness to and recognition of their right

to self-determination, the history of their oppression and their just demands

for the purpose of developing a better attitude toward their struggle. Once

this is recognized, we shall have stronger basis for uniting with and encouraging

them to accept the political concept that we advocate.


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12 November 1999
English Edition

Take advantage of the reactionary Estrada regime�s crisis of rule

Greet the 21st century and new millennium with the resolve to intensify the revolution

Regarding basic and special tactical offensives
Storm of resistance against globalization
The expanding empire of Lucio Tan
Lacson�s appointment as PNP chief:
Sharpening the fascist fangs of the US-Estrada regime

Intensifying fascism of the US-Estrada regime
The Rights of Filipino Children:
On the Rights of the Filipino Children

The Rights of Filipino Children:
On the NPA�s alleged mass recruitment of child guerrillas

The Rights of Filipino Children:
Pertinent Facts

The Rights of Filipino Children:
Memorandum on the Minimum age requirement for NPA fighters

The Rights of Filipino Children:
Organizing children

The Rights of Filipino Children:
The miserable state of child workers in the Philippines

The Rights of Filipino Children:
Counterrevolutionary violence against children in the countryside

On the nationality question and the right to self-determination
Widespread mass actions for human rights launched
Sham negotiation between the US-Estrada regime and the Tabara-dela Cruz clique
NDF condemns inhumane treatment of Ka Parago
Ang Bayan is the official news organ of the Communist Party of the Philippines issued by the CPP Central Committee. It provides news about the work of the Party as well as its analysis of and standpoint on current issues.

AB comes out fortnightly. It is published originally in Pilipino and translated into Bisaya, Ilokano, Waray, Hiligaynon and English.

Acrobat PDF files of AB are available online for downloading and offline reading printing. If you wish to receive copies of AB via email, click here.

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