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Towards World Proletarian Unity and Cooperation

 Basahin ang artikulong ito sa Pilipino

Preparations are being made for the 6th International Conference of Marxist-Leninist Parties and Organizations (ICMLPO). In this regard, the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) has released a discussion paper as its contribution to the Conference which shall be deliberating on the world capitalist crisis and the tasks of the world proletarian movement.

Status of the world communist movement

The world proletarian revolution is being reborn after the unmasking and inevitable collapse of modern revisionism and amid the capitalist system�s continued rapid descent towards an unprecedented worldwide crisis. This, after a long period of retreat and defeat suffered by the world communist movement, especially when modern revisionism prevailed in China upon the death of Chairman Mao Zedong in 1976.

Right in the centers of capitalism, especially in Europe, there is an outburst of massive and spontaneous protests by workers struggling against their intensifying exploitation. Meanwhile, in neocolonies, mass struggles and armed resistance are being advanced to defend the interests of the oppressed and protest the continued domination of imperialism and reactionary rule.

Above all, communist parties are being reorganized on the basis of Marxism- Leninism and the struggle against revisionism in order to effectively lead the movement of the toiling masses towards the resurgence of proletarian revolution. Modern revisionism�s long period of dominance, however, harmed communist parties and eventually destroyed a number of them. Many ideological, political and organizational issues have yet to be intricately examined in order to thoroughly advance Marxism-Leninism, unite the revolutionary proletariat the world over and further develop the capacity to firmly lead and advance the people�s revolutionary struggle.

Characteristics of the ICMLPO

The ICMLPO plays a significant role in the process of reorganizing communist parties. The CPP has been an active participant of the ICMLPO as it fulfills its proletarian internationalist duty of helping forge unity within the working class all over the world.

The ICMLPO serves as a forum for the discussion of ideological and political issues confronted by Marxist-Leninists worldwide. It is one of the fields of interaction and cooperation where Marxist-Leninists can affirm socialism and counter the relentless ideological offensive of imperialism.

Participants of ICMLPO conferences uphold Marxism-Leninism and Mao Zedong Thought. Fighting modern revisionism, possessing a positive attitude towards the theories and contributions of Stalin and Mao Zedong and agreeing with the rules issued beforehand by each ICMLPO conference are also basic requisites for participation.

Rules are strictly observed in ICMLPO conferences in order to maintain integrity, independence, equality and respect among participating parties and organizations. Consensus and unity are reached step-by- step through principled debates and cooperation among the participating parties and organizations.

The principle of non-interference in internal matters is upheld. No participant may publicly attack any other participating party or organization. Each participant has a right to sign or not to sign resolutions discussed and agreed upon. Since its 3rd Conference, it has been clarified that the ICMLPO is not an international ideological or political center and cannot impose its decisions on any party or group.

ICMLPO activities are facilitated by the Joint Coordinating Group (JCG) whose members are elected at the end of each conference. Each conference is distinct from other conferences and is open to the participation of any group that adheres to the basic rules of the ICMLPO.

The ICMLPO�s past gains

As a forum, the ICMLPO has reaped gains in upholding Marxism- Leninism and fighting revisionism. It was one of the first international conferences to expose the restoration of capitalism in the former Soviet Union and criticize the Gorbachev regime as social-imperialist. It also helped to launch the historic International Seminar on Mao Zedong Thought in December 1993 in Germany that issued the General Declaration on Mao Zedong Thought. From 11 participants in the 4th Conference in 1993, 20 parties and organizations from four continents attended the 5th Conference in October 1996. This signifies the rising prestige of the ICMLPO.

The various conference resolutions reflected deepening discussions on ideological, political and practical issues, including economic and political events and the theory and practice of class struggle. The debates were remarkably proletarian in character, democratic, lively, open and wide in scope, and were carried out in a principled manner. Discussions were objective in the attempt to unite and develop the forum in line with the spirit of Marxism, Leninism and Mao Zedong Thought.

The following resolutions were agreed upon in the 5th Conference:

  1. International political and economic events as the basic circumstances that shape revolutionary work. The sharpening of the general capitalist crisis was identified as the condition exploited by Marxist-Leninists in building the party and raising the level of anti-imperialist and socialist struggle against all common enemies of the proletariat and peoples around the world.
  2. Duties and perspectives of the Marxist- Leninist movement and of the working class. The duty to promote unity among Marxist-Leninist parties while expanding anti-imperialist unity was pointed out. The resolution called for each party to apply Marxism-Leninism to the concrete conditions of their respective countries and advance their national revolutionary movements.

  3. The development of the Marxist-Leninist and working class movement against revisionism. This resolution declared that unless the influence of revisionism on the working class movement is overcome, neither the advance of the struggle for socialism nor the victory of the proletarian revolution can be achieved.

  4. On the continuation of the International Conference. The 5th Conference declared the rising level of consensus and fraternal unity among the ICMLPO participants and decided to develop this further by holding the 6th Conference. In preparation, a new JCG has been appointed.
    1. Also passed was a special resolution commemorating the 25th year of the murder of Comrade Charu Majumdar by fascist reactionaries. Majumdar was a revolutionary leader-martyr of India who led the armed struggle of the Naxalbari peasants. In relation to the gains of the 5th Conference, the First Asia-Pacific Conference of Marxist-Leninist Parties and Organizations was held clandestinely in the Philippines in April 1998. The Conference upheld the principles agreed upon in past ICMLPO conferences and released a communiqu� calling for the intensification of efforts to unite the revolutionary forces and mobilize the peoples of the Asia-Pacific against imperialism in the face of the worsening crisis of the capitalist system.

      The CPP and the ICMLPO

      The CPP continues to actively participate in and make contributions towards the development and success of the ICMLPO�s conferences. The Party believes that the ICMLPO can contribute much more to strengthen the standpoint and fortify unity and cooperation among the participating parties and organizations within the framework of Marxism-Leninism and Mao Zedong Thought. The goal is to advance the revolutionary struggle of the working class and peoples in all corners of the world.

      Aside from the ICMLPO, the CPP also participates in and contributes to other international seminars or conferences and forges multilateral and bilateral unity with other parties and organizations.

      Solidarity on the basis of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism is the highest level of unity attained by the CPP. Along with this, the CPP actively contributes to building a broad anti-imperialist unity not only with proletarian parties, but with other classes and the broad masses oppressed by imperialism. These levels of unity are essential in order to advance firmly the struggle for national liberation, democracy and socialism.


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04 March 1999
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Ang Bayan is the official news organ of the Communist Party of the Philippines issued by the CPP Central Committee. It provides news about the work of the Party as well as its analysis of and standpoint on current issues.

AB comes out fortnightly. It is published originally in Pilipino and translated into Bisaya, Ilokano, Waray, Hiligaynon and English.

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