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Bombings in Mindanao
The regime shows off to the US

 Basahin ang artikulong ito sa Pilipino

The AFP immediately implemented Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo�s order to bomb supposed MILF bases in Mindanao. This, so she could show off and hopefully get more aid from her imperialist master to whom she is now paying court.

On May 18, the AFP began practically day-long bombings and ground assaults in North Cotabato, Lanao del Norte, Maguindanao and the Zamboanga peninsula. In the first two days alone, OV-10 Bronco planes dropped up to 30,000 pounds of bombs on Lanao del Norte and Zamboanga. Three thousand more troops were pulled out of Luzon and the Visayas to be brought to Mindanao. Up to 318,000 people in Zamboanga del Norte and 30,000 in Lanao del Norte were forced to evacute due to the intensified military campaign.

US President George W. Bush was likewise quick to say that more American troops would be joining the Balikatan exercises in Mindanao. He also pledged more aid to the AFP for its anti-MILF operations. Meanwhile, the White House announced that the next target after the MILF will be the NPA.

The military operations have reaped criticism. Communist Party of the Philippines spokesperson Gregorio �Ka Roger� Rosal said that they were a direct attack on Moro communities. The operations, he said, were ordered by the militarist and puppet Arroyo who wanted to fawn on and offer tribute to, her lord and master whom she was visiting.

Eight senators, including Arroyo�s partymates are now against the continuing military campaign in Mindanao. Sen. Aquilino Pimentel said that the bombings were no less than �state-sponsored terrorism.�

Fr. Angel Calvo of the Coalition of Mindanao Peace Advocates assailed Southern Command chief Lt. Gen. Roy Kyamko for saying that there was no war going on in Mindanao, �just dropping bombs and shelling.�


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21 May 2003
English Edition

Support the Moro people�s struggle against intensifying attacks by the US-Arroyo regime!

Bombings in Mindanao
The regime shows off to the US
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