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Expand and intensify the revolutionary struggle!

 Basahin ang artikulong ito sa Pilipino

The crisis that is turning the entire world capitalist system inside out provides clear-cut affirmation of the correctness of the Party's revolutionary line. It proves that there is profound basis and urgent need for armed revolution in the Philippines and other semicolonial and semifeudal countries.

Daily developments themselves expose the emptiness of imperialist "globalization" and dispel the illusion that it is possible to escape the country's basic problems through national and class collaboration. The broad masses of the people are being driven to extreme desperation by the wickedness of neocolonialism and semifeudalism; they have no other recourse but their own struggle.

Under these circumstances, the Party and revolutionary movement's most urgent task is to expand and intensify the people's democratic revolution. We must intensify the anti-imperialist, antifeudal and antifascist struggle and in line with this, advance the armed struggle, revolutionary mass movement and national united front to a higher level.

This means, first, to boldly arouse, organize and mobilize the masses for revolution. It is possible and necessary to surpass the previous level of mass organizing and mobilization in order to reach and lead the people in their millions. We are now at the level of a few tens of thousands of cadres and activists at the core of a few hundreds of thousands of organized masses leading a still broader mass of people, bigger in number by severalfold. Conditions are extremely favorable for us to further expand these to more tens of thousands at the core of more hundreds of thousands of organized masses. After which, we must resolutely go for hundreds of thousands who are at the core of millions of organized forces in order to win over and lead many more millions of people for the revolution.

Achieving this requires developing to a much higher level the Party and revolutionary movement's work and capability in organizing and propaganda. The Second Great Rectification Movement has fired the enthusiasm of cadres, fighters and activists for mass work. But there remain many lapses and weaknesses in our conduct of mass work, especially with respect to organizing which tends to get bogged down at a low level and in propaganda work, which tends to be narrow and sporadic rather than sustained and truly broad in character. We have to bear in mind that�despite the fact that past peak levels in scope are rapidly being replicated or even surpassed in advanced and growing number of guerrilla fronts � we have yet to reach out to a still bigger number of barrios, not to mention communities, factories and schools in urban areas.

Different forms of revolutionary resistance by the people should be daringly expanded and intensified. In times of great crisis and intense mass unrest, the very act of initiating, expanding and advancing the people's struggles comprises the most effective way of arousing and organizing them. So long as the masses are aroused and encouraged to participate in struggles, building and strengthening mass organizations and the expansion of the Party and other underground revolutionary organizations can be further accelerated.

In more areas, our capabilities are woefully inadequate compared to the masses' readiness and enthusiasm for organization and struggle. Various ills that are manifestations of crisis and intensified imperialist, feudal and semifeudal exploitation fester and cry out for immediate action. These should be promptly addressed and the masses firmly led in collective resistance, in accordance with the line of people's democratic revolution.

In times of great struggle, there is greater need for daring and resolve, for a tighter grasp and clarity of revolutionary principles.

We must determinedly expand and intensify extensive and intensive guerrilla warfare. The forces and guerrilla fronts of the NPA are spread nationwide; recovery, expansion and consolidation of the mass base are vigorously advancing. Intensifying atrocities that condemn the broad masses to a worse state of servitude demand appropriate response through the intensification of revolutionary armed struggle. Even as the masses are mired in poverty, the corruption, puppetry and greed of the reactionary ruling classes go on unabated, so with the return to power of the worst minions of the fascist Marcos dictatorship.

According to the level and principles of extensive and intensive guerrilla warfare based on an ever-expanding and an ever-deepening mass base�it is the duty of the Party and people's army to intensify the armed struggle, inflict many more body blows and harder head blows against the reactionary system and firmly put the armed struggle at the forefront of the people's struggle. While persevering in advancing and strengthening the various forms of legal and illegal unarmed struggle, we must firmly ensure the continued expansion and strengthening of armed struggle, agrarian revolution and mass base-building in the countryside because it is the latter that are decisive in the sustained accumulation of strength and the advance of people's struggles along the correct revolutionary direction.

We must also expand the revolutionary united front. We cannot expand and strengthen the revolutionary movement in a vigorous and sustained manner if we do not build the broadest unity and cooperation with the broadest range of progressive and democratic forces and elements. The vigorous expansion of the allied organizations of the NDF more than anything ensures the sustained expansion and strengthening of the united front. At various levels, in the legal and illegal arenas, they are making excellent progress in bilateral and multilateral linkages, consultation, coordination and cooperation with other forces from the middle classes, and so with elements of the reactionary classes who are ready to deal with the revolutionary movement, even temporarily, in a positive way.

Linking with and leading the broad masses of the people, the people in their millions, necessitates creative and flexible advance and coordination, directly and indirectly, of the various forms of struggle, and various levels and types of linkages with the broadest possible range of progressive classes and forces in society. There are but tiny grouplets of pseudoprogressives who noisefully try to grab the public's attention and pretend to be progressive� but only to poison the minds of the people and advance the "third force strategy" of US imperialism of sowing intrigue and splits within the Party and the revolutionary movement.

We have gone through situations like the one we have now, pregnant with possibilities for rapid and great advance. There were times like those that prevailed before fascist martial rule was imposed when we effectively promoted our revolutionary line and successfully transformed the favorable conditions and the people's fervor into long-term gains and the advance of the revolution. There were also times like those that prevailed in the first half of the '80s, when we loosened our hold on our revolutionary line, got overwhelmed by the great possibilities and were swept away by grave deviations that led eventually to unprecedented damage and reversals. We must firmly hold on to lessons drawn from the positive and negative experiences of the past.

Even as we seize opportunities and boldly advance the struggle, let us further strengthen the Party and further raise its ideological, political and organizational level. In times of great struggle, there is greater need for daring and resolve, but likewise for a tighter grasp of and greater clarity regarding revolutionary principles.


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00 October 1998
English Edition

Expand and intensify the revolutionary struggle!
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In an Advanced State of Disintegration

New Trotskyite Group
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New Revisionist and Bandit Group

Ang Bayan is the official news organ of the Communist Party of the Philippines issued by the CPP Central Committee. It provides news about the work of the Party as well as its analysis of and standpoint on current issues.

AB comes out fortnightly. It is published originally in Pilipino and translated into Bisaya, Ilokano, Waray, Hiligaynon and English.

Acrobat PDF files of AB are available online for downloading and offline reading printing. If you wish to receive copies of AB via email, click here.

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