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The revolutionary movement grows in Catanduanes: When the people�s army becomes one with the masses

 Basahin ang artikulong ito sa Pilipino

October 1997. The Bicol region was at the threshold of renewed advance as a result of the Second Great Rectification Movement when, for the very first time, the New People�s Army (NPA) was able to successfully deploy semilegal teams in the province of Catanduanes. Soon after, an increasing number of Catanduanons had embraced the NPA. In the NPA, the people found hope and an ally in their desire and determination to change their utterly exploitative and impoverished conditions. The NPA grew swiftly and was cherished by the masses all the more through its perseverance in introducing itself and arousing, organizing and mobilizing the people. Revolutionary struggle in the province continued to gain strength and expand despite attempts by reactionary forces to quell it.

THREE YEARS LATER, THE REVOLUTIONARY MASS base continued to expand. From 1999 to 2000, the number of peasant organizing groups increased by 26%. The number of women�s groups increased by 65% and their membership, by 59%. Meanwhile, the number of youth groups grew by 109% and their membership, by 130.6%. The number of student groups swelled by 600%, and their membership by 500%. The membership of fisherfolk�s groups also increased by 75%. Organizing committees are being formed from the most advanced organizing groups.

During this period, the number of barrios covered by NPA operations expanded by 19.5%. At the same time, the NPA addressed problems involving the dwindling membership or the dissolution altogether of some organizing groups as peasants are sometimes forced to move to other areas in search of employment, or drop out due to the enemy�s counterrevolutionary psywar operations or some weaknesses of comrades.

This year, the NPA registered a 33% increase in its personnel. New NPA recruits now come from the ranks of local mass activists. There are efforts to ensure that their direct participation in the armed struggle is continually developed and sustained. Because of these advances, the Party is expected to enjoy a further increase in membership.

The NPA and revolutionary masses work hand in hand in the initial implementation of the minimum program of agrarian revolution in the province. There is a continuing effort to deepen the masses� grasp of agrarian revolution. Luyo-luyo or agricultural mutual aid teams are set up to accomplish tasks ranging from the simple matter of weaving coconut leaves for various uses to the more complex task of constructing canals and irrigation systems to service several farms, which may have a combined area of from 10 to 50 hectares. Farmworkers form unions. Revolutionary forces take the lead in seed and animal collection and dispersal by way of mass campaigns.

In this manner, the masses are able to survive their miserable state caused by the dwindling prices of bandala (abaca), tambo (material for native brooms), coconuts and bananas � the sale of these items comprise their usual source of livelihood. In this way, too, they are able to resist the oppressive conditions they have to endure in their search for alternative means of livelihood. Those who become farmworkers receive slave wages. Those who resort to fishing are edged out by huge trawlers and motorized bancas. Those who opt to make charcoal and are forced to make clearings in public lands are driven out to give way to government "reforestation projects" and are prohibited from tilling lands abandoned by hacienderos.

WITH THE PRESENCE OF THE REVOLUTIONARY FORCES now posing a threat to reaction, military operations have been intensified in Catanduanes and have become an added burden to the farmers. In barangays Tucao and Maysuram in Caramoran, for example, parahagot or abaca workers have been forced to leave their homes in fear of soldiers conducting operations.

PNP forces, previously the only troops deployed in the province, have now been augmented with Philippine Army forces. Together, they carry out the old tactic of "clear, hold and consolidate" in areas they have identified as NPA areas of operation. They first form an intelligence network within a village and beef up their defenses. Simultaneously, they conduct combat and psywar operations. They sow fear and terror in the countryside. They also distribute pamphlets and conduct all-out propaganda over the radio and in newspapers to discredit the movement. They propagate the line that "the province of Catanduanes was peaceful until the NPA came in".

The people have waged resistance by forming groups to defend and uphold human rights. For its part, the NPA in Catanduanes has drafted guidelines to counter the pattern of enemy movements. The guidelines put stress on the consolidation of the people�s army, the masses and allies and on close adherence to the correct political line as well as regulations, rules of discipline and policies.

Tactical offensives have also been launched by the NPA in Catanduanes. Two notorious policemen guilty of crimes against the people and the revolutionary movement were meted the death penalty. In July 2000, a defensive action was transformed into an offensive when an NPA unit successfully broke out of an encirclement by a unit from the PNP Provincial Office and Regional Mobile Group.

WITH THE SUCCESSFUL ESTABLISHMENT OF A guerilla front in Catanduanes, the revolutionary movement now covers all of the Bicol provinces.


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November 2001
English Edition

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The revolutionary movement grows in Catanduanes: When the people�s army becomes one with the masses
Anecdotes behind the tactical offensives in Bicol
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Ang Bayan is the official news organ of the Communist Party of the Philippines issued by the CPP Central Committee. It provides news about the work of the Party as well as its analysis of and standpoint on current issues.

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