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Ka Elena, commander

 Basahin ang artikulong ito sa Pilipino

Like her fellow oppressed from the Isneg tribe,

Ka Elena was raised in poverty. She was born in the shadows of Marag Valley. At an early age, her feet became accustomed to trails leading to the heart of the forest. Her palms grew rough from clearing and tilling their farms in the mountains, her body sturdied from carrying sacks of bananas and cassava.

Ka Elena easily grasped and embraced the aims of the revolutionary movement the first time she heard the explanations of New People's Army (NPA) fighters in 1982. She joined the youth organization in her area. After some years, she volunteered to join the NPA where she was recognized not only as an outstanding fighter, but grew to become an excellent commander.

As a Red commander, Ka Elena has been characterized by her clarity of thought, bravery, agility and physical strength and knowledge of tactics in the midst of fighting. As commander, Ka Elena has expertly led Red fighters in their maneuvers in order to win tactical offensives launched by her unit, effect the unit's safe retreat even in the direst of situations and carry out counter-offensives.

Ka Elena was one of the valiant fighters who braved the most vicious enemy operations during the 1980s in Cagayan Valley. She was one of a few select fighters who became part of a special NPA unit in Apayao in the mid-1980s that faced many battles while crossing the mountains from Apayao to Isabela. Like her other comrades in the unit, Ka Elena did not lose heart in spite of the hardships and sacrifices they endured, and despite their month-long journey across the mountains without adequate food and water.

They experienced many setbacks as a result of the erroneous policy of premature regularization and which brought on large and intense enemy operations during the 1980s. In the face of all this, Ka Elena remained steadfast in her revolutionary stand. More than this, she was among those who embraced the Second Great Rectification Movement forthwith and carried it out when it was launched during the 1990s.

Amid the surging tide of armed struggle, Ka Elena came to know and love Ka Paeng, another fine NPA commander. In the heart of Cagayan Valley's mountains, their love borne out of people's war saw fulfillment in marriage in 1986. Their two children grew up in the bosom of the masses and nurtured by their parents' love.

Ka Elena is respected and admired as a woman fighter. In battle, her steady voice rises, directing the unit's maneuvers and shattering whatever anxieties the comrades may have. Whenever the enemy hears her voice, usually they sneeringly say, "It's just a woman." But not long after, their condescension gives way to fear due to the expertise and courage that Ka Elena demonstrates as a commander.

Ka Elena has undergone many trainings, including the defunct "Advanced Military Course." She also trained in commando maneuvers, sniping and taekwondo.

"At every opportunity, I want to show that we women are also capable of carrying out the tasks of the people's army," says Ka Elena. "In particular, I want to show the enemy that we, women revolutionaries, are capable of fighting them."

Ka Elena is a force to reckon with, even when it comes to feats of strength. One time, in an intense battle, she carried with one hand a heavy radio transceiver they had seized, even as she carried her rifle in the other. When she was eight months pregnant with her youngest child, she single-handedly carried fifty pieces of canned goods and other equipment up a high mountain.

Her being a woman is an important part of the people's army's approach to the masses. Although she is often greeted with uncertainty by some ("to think you're a woman," they would chide her), this is quickly dispelled the moment the comrades show the masses their respect and particular regard for women guerrillas and the equal rights enjoyed by women fighters.

Comrades always take notice of, and value, Ka Elena's military knowledge and skills. After several years of service in a special NPA unit, Ka Elena was assigned to perform various other tasks. Wherever she is deployed, her military knowledge and experience as well as the other things she has learned from performing other lines of work are always put to full use. Now, in helping train new fighters, her colorful experiences serve to inspire a new generation of Red fighters, especially women.


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07 March 2004
English Edition

Arouse, organize and mobilize women for the revolution!

The condition of women workers
Interview with Salud Roja, CPP-Central Luzon spokesperson
Increase the number of women Red fighters
Ka Elena, commander
Ka Jiji and Ka Alex: Young women fighters
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NPA confronts Isabela congressman

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Israeli wall in Palestinian territory

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Ang Bayan is the official news organ of the Communist Party of the Philippines issued by the CPP Central Committee. It provides news about the work of the Party as well as its analysis of and standpoint on current issues.

AB comes out fortnightly. It is published originally in Pilipino and translated into Bisaya, Ilokano, Waray, Hiligaynon and English.

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