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Victorious NPA offensives:
Ambush in Camarines Sur

 Basahin ang artikulong ito sa Pilipino

On March 1, the NPA ambushed troops of the 42nd IB in Barangay Bataan, Tinambac, Camarines Sur. Various types of explosives were effectively used in this offensive to shock the enemy and cause its defeat more rapidly. Following is an account of what transpired.

It was almost one o'clock in the morning when the lookout positioned near the center of the barrio reported on radio. "It's already here," he said. "A truck."

The comrades in ambush position immediately went on alert. Those who had dozed off while waiting were roused. This was their fourth night in wait.

The guerrillas quickly put away their things and took cover in their respective positions. They could hear the roar of the oncoming truck. The comrades braced themselves. They awaited the blaster (explosives detonator) who would release the signal fire that would begin the offensive. The squads Kaloy and Baking were assigned to position themselves close to the road and pin down the enemy.

But suddenly the truck stopped roaring even before it could enter the area where the comrades were positioned. The soldiers began to move on foot.

The Red fighters were prepared for this shift in the situation. They waited for the enemy to reach Kaloy's position, which would be the first to open fire.

Just a few more moments and the enemy would already be entrapped. They were noisily talking to each other while walking. Kaloy detonated a number of anti-personnel bombs which served as the signal fire.

Baking quickly positioned itself close to the road. Kaloy was delayed by some soldiers who fought back and whose positions could not be ascertained because of the darkness.

"Assault, Baking and Kaloy!" the command rang out. The fighters slowly advanced while opening fire. They continually threw improvised grenades to crush the enemy's will to fight. Some flares thrown failed to ignite. Amidst the darkness, one could faintly hear the soldiers scampering away from the scene.

After a few moments, Kaloy was now pressed against the roadside. Silence once more prevailed, occasionally interrupted by the cursing and firing of the lone soldier who was left fighting.

At around 2:15, the comrades assaulted. An M203 was the first firearm seized.

The firing died down at around 2:30 in the morning. Before 3:00, seven fighters from each squad were mobilized to comb the surroundings, pursue the remaining enemy forces and search for more arms to be confiscated. But the pitch darkness was a definite obstacle. The NPA command decided to let the comrades rest and wait for daybreak before proceeding with the clearing.

It was almost 6:00 in the morning when those assigned to undertake clearing operations advanced. After an hour, they cornered two soldiers not far from the scene of the fighting. The soldiers had taken cover behind by a lone coconut tree and had spent the night there in the hope that the NPA would meantime retreat and reinforcements arrive.

The NPA advised them to surrender and to trust that they would be treated well and their human rights respected and that they would receive medical attention if they were wounded. Immediately, 42nd IB "C" company commander Lt. Ronaldo Fedelino and Pfc Ronel Leme�o emerged. They turned in an M203, an M14 and ammunition. They are at present in the custody of the NPA as prisoners of war. Three enemy troops were confirmed killed in the ambush.

Biting the bait. Before the victorious offensive, the NPA laid down a ruse. On February 27, some comrades intentionally made their presence known in the center of Tamban, a large barangay in Tinambac with a major port serving as a passageway for people from four towns in Camarines Sur. A detachment of the 42nd IB had just left the barrio in December 2003, leaving the barangay teeming with enemy intelligence agents.

The comrades talked to some allies in the barrio and took to task and warned some residents who were collaborating with the enemy. They set up checkpoints for two days about five kilometers from the ambush site and just a few hundred meters from Tamban, stopping all vehicles coming from Tamban headed towards Naga City. They explained to every one that passed the revolutionary movement's stand regarding the coming elections. Another objective for setting up the checkpoints was to confiscate firearms from any armed enemy personnel they might chance upon.

The comrades confronted two CAFGU personnel at the checkpoint who immediately reported the incident to the AFP camp in Mananao, Tinambac. The military responded at midnight on February 29, and 14 soldiers who joined the strike operation fell into the trap.

Like a fiesta. The Red fighters were joyously greeted by the masses in the barrios they had passed on their retreat on the morning of March 1. At a temporary stopover, a steady stream of visitors came to extend their warm congratulations. The masses were also preoccupied with cooking for the large number of troops that launched the tactical offensive.

The prisoner Pfc Leme�o was amazed at the warm camaraderie and unity of the masses and the people's army. "So this is what it's like when you come together," he said, "it's like a fiesta."

While retreating, the comrades made sure to talk to and discuss with the captives the policies of the revolutionary movement regarding the treatment of prisoners and the process of their release. They also held discussions on a number of political issues and shared stories regarding their families and lives.


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07 April 2004
English Edition

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Victorious NPA offensives:
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Ang Bayan is the official news organ of the Communist Party of the Philippines issued by the CPP Central Committee. It provides news about the work of the Party as well as its analysis of and standpoint on current issues.

AB comes out fortnightly. It is published originally in Pilipino and translated into Bisaya, Ilokano, Waray, Hiligaynon and English.

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