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Sa Ibayong Dagat:
Various forces oppose martial law declaration in Nepal

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The Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) has called for a general strike against the martial law declaration and coup d'�tat launched by the country's King Gyanendra. Gyanendra seized direct control of the state on February 1, ordering the arrest of his opponents, especially those suspected of supporting the CPN(M).

Gyanendra imposed martial rule in the face of an ever stronger

armed revolution led by the CPN(M). Since the collapse of peace negotiations in 2003, the revolutionary armed struggle has intensified, compelling the monarchy to intervene.

Gyanendra jailed opponents of the monarchy, including ousted prime minister Sher Bahadur Deuba. On the first day of martial law, communications were cut, the press shut down, and all satellite phones of embassies in the capital Kathmandu were confiscated. Four days later, the media were allowed to reopen, but were strictly forbidden to report about the arrests and the violence, and the victories of the CPN(M).

The strike has been successful and a blockade has been in force in Kathmandu. Amidst the media repression, oppositionist have managed to air the call to free those arrested and respect the rights of the people. The People's Liberation Army also launched a successful raid on a prison in Dhangadi, near Kathmandu on February 10, freeing some 150 mostly Maoist prisoners.

Human rights organizations within and outside Nepal have expressed concern over the mass arrests, the ransacking of homes and saturation drives especially in suspected Maoist strongholds.

They have also called on other countries, especially the US, to stop providing military aid to the reactionary Nepali government.

Meanwhile, Prachanda, leader of the CPN(M), issued a statement calling on "all parties and groups to unite to create a storm of rebellion in the countryside." He also stressed that the CPN(M) is willing to join a broad united front with all those opposed to the feudal monarchy.


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21 February 2005
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Various forces oppose martial law declaration in Nepal
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Ang Bayan is the official news organ of the Communist Party of the Philippines issued by the CPP Central Committee. It provides news about the work of the Party as well as its analysis of and standpoint on current issues.

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