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Dean Armando Malay:
A patriotic and democratic journalist and human rights advocate

 Basahin ang artikulong ito sa Pilipino

The entire revolutionary movement salutes Dean Armando Malay. Dean Malay became a member of the National Democratic Front during the 1980s. He was a great defender of civil liberties, a leading advocate of freedom and

truth in journalism and a tireless symbol of patriotism. He died on May 15 at the age of 89.

Dean Malay was a source of inspiration and courage in the legal democratic movement that for over three decades, has been struggling for justice and human rights from the time of the US-Marcos dictatorship and beyond. He was one of the great antifascists like Lorenzo "Ka Tanny" Ta�ada, Sen. Jose "Ka Pepe" Diokno, Joaquin "Don Chino" Roces and others who displayed militancy in the face of subjugation by the fascist dictatorship.

Dean Malay was among the journalists who attained the highest respect from their fellow journalists and various sectors of the people. He received the highest honors as a journalist, including the Lifetime Achievement Award from the National Press Club, the Outstanding Journalists' Award and the Distinguished Leadership in Journalism Award. In 1994, he was also one of those who received the 10 Outstanding Filipinos Award.

He became Dean of Student Affairs at the University of the Philippines during the 1960s and was serving in this capacity when the Diliman Commune erupted � a widespread struggle in 1970 where students militantly barricaded the UP Diliman campus for several days. He praised the students and supported their movement. Since then, he was always endearingly regarded as the "Dean."

The students respected him because of his unstinting support of, and participation in, student demonstrations within and outside the campus to protest problems in school and society that were due to imperialism, feudalism and bureaucrat capitalism. Dean Malay likened the activism of the students in the face of state fascism to that of the struggle of the Katipuneros in the face of repression from the Spanish colonialists.

When martial law was imposed in 1972, he supported the students' and people's struggle for the restoration of democratic rights.

He joined with other sectors in fighting the fascist dictatorship. He helped organize and became chairman of KAPATID, an organization of relatives and friends of political detainees. He also became Vice Chairman of SELDA, an organization of former political prisoners.

Dean Malay became one of the editors of WE Forum, the first newspaper that shattered the censorship and monopoly of the fascist dictatorship in mass media, continuously exposed the abuses and lies of the Marcos dictatorship and persevered in coming out despite concerted efforts by the dictatorship to suppress it. Dean Malay was jailed together with other editors and staff of WE Forum and charged with subversion in 1982 because of his writings against the dictatorship, including his expos� in the newspaper of the fakeness of Marcos' 27 medals.

At no time did Dean Malay lose his fighting spirit. As soon as he was out of jail, he joined demonstrators crying out for the freedom of all political prisoners and calling for an end to the Marcos dictatorship. When Marcos' rival, Sen. Benigno Aquino, was killed in 1983, Dean Malay was among the millions that poured out into the streets to fight for the rights of journalists and freedom for the people. In 1984, he was one of the leaders of the Nationalist Alliance for Justice, Freedom and Democracy (NAJFD), a united front of democratic and patriotic forces fighting the Marcos dictatorship.

He also worked closely with Felixberto "Ka Bert" Olalia of the Kilusang Mayo Uno in leading the alliance for upholding the rights of workers. They concurrently chaired the National Alliance for the Protection of Workers' Rights.

Dean Malay had a deep understanding of the need to struggle for national liberation. For as long as his body could take it, Dean Malay joined discussions, protests and demonstrations against the US military bases until they were successfully closed down in 1991.

Dean Malay joined the National Democratic Front, along with other prominent patriotic and democratic professionals, and actively participated in meetings, discussions and study sessions. He wholeheartedly supported the political stand and involvement of his wife, Paula Carolina "Ka Ayi" Malay, who had passed away earlier; and that of his children and in-laws, in the national-democratic revolutionary movement.

Dean Malay was among those who supported the Second Great Rectification Movement in 1992 and actively encouraged other comrades to embrace and advance it.

The Communist Party of the Philippines thoroughly values the contributions of Dean Malay to the revolutionary movement. The Party enjoyed a deep friendship with Dean Armando Malay, a friendship that will forever be cherished and remembered by Filipino revolutionaries.


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Ang Bayan is the official news organ of the Communist Party of the Philippines issued by the CPP Central Committee. It provides news about the work of the Party as well as its analysis of and standpoint on current issues.

AB comes out fortnightly. It is published originally in Pilipino and translated into Bisaya, Ilokano, Waray, Hiligaynon and English.

Acrobat PDF files of AB are available online for downloading and offline reading printing. If you wish to receive copies of AB via email, click here.

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