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The people shall shake the foundations of the US-Arroyo regime regime

 Basahin ang artikulong ito sa Pilipino

The US-Arroyo regime callously carries out policies that further put the Filipino people through the wringer and impoverish them. It is the only solution that the pro-imperialist, antipeople and corrupt regime resorts to in the face of the intense economic and fiscal crisis.

The crisis indicates the further disintegration of the entire semicolonial and semifeudal ruling system presided over by the regime. Its intensification in recent years is due to the US-Arroyo regime's blind obedience to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in implementing the policies of liberalization, privatization, deregulation and denationalization.

These policies have wrought nothing but the massive destruction of productive forces, large-scale unemployment and tighter foreign control over the country's production and resources. They have given free rein to local and foreign monopolies in collaboration with the ruling classes to extract superprofits and exploit the people. The imperialist plunder of the country has grown more ruthless in the face of the worsening global crisis of monopoly capitalism.

Grave bureaucratic corruption within the Arroyo regime and the latter's prioritization of funding the fascist machinery and intensifying the "anti-terrorist war" against the Filipino people have further aggravated their suffering and oppression.

The regime is very desperately looking for a way out of the deep financial and economic crisis it is in. It is now in a mad scramble to raise enough funds to lift the system from its death throes by imposing a slew of new taxes. It will likewise allow relentless hikes in the prices of goods and services.

The regime further skimps on funds for basic services. It blocks the longstanding demand to raise the wages of workers and government employees. It lectures an already impoverished people on the need for belt-tightening even as the highest officials of the reactionary government enjoy extremely high salaries and benefits and continue to squander public funds.

It is these same measures that will push the Filipino people to unite against the US-Arroyo regime's rule and spur a powerful torrent of protest. It will shake the Arroyo regime's hold on power until it withdraws plans of imposing new taxes and other hardships on the people.

The revolutionary forces are at the core of surging people's protests that will rock the US-Arroyo regime. They rouse the minds and raise the people's consciousness and their militant spirit. They enlighten them about the fact that they have no other recourse but to wage resistance to stop the ruling classes from further oppressing them. They demonstrate to the people the need to take action and thoroughly oppose the hardships inflicted by the reactionary government.

The crisis of the ruling system is so intense, it has spurred a broad range of people to wage resistance through various means. Even the national bourgeoisie are impelled to cooperate with the revolutionary movement to form a broad patriotic united front.

It is the revolutionary forces' responsibility to unite broad sections of the Filipino people against the Arroyo regime's pro-imperialist and antipeople policies. Conditions favor the establishment of a broad united front against the oil industry deregulation law and other laws that grant foreigners the freedom to plunder the country's wealth. It is likewise fitting to form a broad united front against anomalous foreign loans.

The aggravation of the economic crisis and the decline in the Filipino people's livelihood clearly demonstrate the need for revolutionary struggle to smash the present corrupt system and establish a new, progressive, independent and prosperous one. Thus, it is the revolutionary forces' responsibility to use every oportunity to propagate and explain to the hilt, in villages, communities, factories and schools, the alternative program of the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) and the National Democratic Front (NDF).

In the following months, the flames of people's protests will ignite all over. The cities' streets will be arenas of struggle for workers and government employees demanding wage increases and for ordinary folk opposing rising costs of petroleum products, electricity and water and protesting additional tax burdens and other hardships wrought by the US-Arroyo regime. The struggle of the peasant masses against large-scale landgrabbing and for genuine land reform will continue to surge in the countryside.

Simultaneously, the New People's Army (NPA) will continue doing its utmost to advance revolutionary armed struggle in the countryside. The NPA's tactical offensives against the armed pillars of the reactionary ruling system complement the people's struggle against their oppression and suffering in the hands of the US-Arroyo regime.


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21 September 2004
English Edition

The people shall shake the foundations of the US-Arroyo regime regime
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Severe graft and corruption in Napocor

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Ang Bayan is the official news organ of the Communist Party of the Philippines issued by the CPP Central Committee. It provides news about the work of the Party as well as its analysis of and standpoint on current issues.

AB comes out fortnightly. It is published originally in Pilipino and translated into Bisaya, Ilokano, Waray, Hiligaynon and English.

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