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Anecdotes behind the tactical offensives in Bicol

 Basahin ang artikulong ito sa Pilipino

Each tactical offensive carried out by the New People�s Army is a result of the successful cooperation between the masses and Red fighters. Behind the usual details�the date, place, reactionary force targeted by the NPA, number of arms seized � are remarkable stories of the Philippine revolution. Here are a few narratives culled from the rich experience of comrades in the Bicol region.

Special tactical offensive in Barangay Sta. Elena, Jose Panganiban, Camarines Norte; December 28, 2000.

Residents of Sta. Elena expressed happiness when the NPA meted out punishment on Francisco "Ike" Villafuerte and Anatolio "Hudas" Villablanco, two rabid reactionaries with crimes against the people. Villafuerte, a despotic landlord and agent of the Military Intelligence Group, was responsible for establishing intelligence networks, torturing and killing innocent farmers. Villablanco, meanwhile, was a former policeman of Jose Panganiban, Camarines Norte, a rabid counterrevolutionary agent and business associate of a drug syndicate in the area.

An NPA platoon disguised as soldiers in complete camouflage flagged down two jeepneys and asked to be transported to the entrance of a road that leads to the residence of the two targets. A team of comrades quickly established a checkpoint.

An NPA section then went straight to Villafuerte�s residence. His unknowing wife ushered them in. The NPA speedily carried out the punitive action. Three .45s, combat boots and Villafuerte�s other military equipment were seized. Outside, comrades patiently explained to the people why Villafuerte was punished. They also distributed hundreds of leaflets explaining the basis of such punishment. Since the town is still not within the comrades� area of responsibility, some people were frightened. However, the majority listened carefully and acclaimed them.

Meanwhile, another formation of the same NPA troops proceeded straight to Villablanco�s house and swiftly carried out the punitive action. Simultaneously, another NPA team raided two policemen�s houses nearby and confiscated one .357 and other military equipment.

The masses carefully read the leaflets distributed by the NPA. They warmly welcomed the comrades. Some of the barriofolk even alternated in manning the comrades� temporary checkpoint and eventually distributed leaflets themselves. When the jeepney drivers realized that they ferried Red fighters, they decided to wait and volunteered to transport the NPA anywhere they requested.

The successful operation paved the way for the return and continuous organizing work of the people�s army in the area.

Raid on the Caramoan Municipal Hall, Camarines Sur; November 18, 2000.

"Long live the comrades! Long Live the CPP/NPA!" rang the vigorous chants of the masses for the Red fighters marching from a successful raid on the town hall. The element of surprise was well utilized in this raid. A policeman and one CAFGU element were killed and two others were wounded. A number of high-powered firearms were also confiscated.

The success of this tactical offensive by the NPA was a big blow to the AFP. Prior to this, the fascists had boasted that they had cleared the area of the NPA. Troops from the 42nd IB and the 18th Scout Ranger Company had just scoured the Caramoan mountain ranges and adjoining towns. With the help and support of the masses and some allied elements in the AFP, the NPA effectively avoided the enemy. They patiently waited for the right moment, and made the well-funded intelligence and combat operations of the AFP senseless and ridiculous.

Raid on the Gainza town hall, Camarines Sur; April 27, 2001.

The NPA successfully proved it could launch a tactical offensive in an area close to a city. The Gainza town proper is surrounded by vast plains and a big river and is a mere 10-minute ride from Naga City. An NPA platoon had earlier positioned itself around the town hall for 30 minutes before actually commencing with the offensive. The Red fighters, dressed only in shorts and T-shirts, were able to approach and enter the town hall without difficulty. They were able to conceal their long and short firearms inside bayongs (woven baskets) containing coconut graters and coconuts, sacks containing gabi, baskets with banana leaves and such. Some posed as couples applying for marriage licenses at the town hall, and others loitered at stores nearby.

The two policemen, including the town police chief, were rendered helpless when the guerrillas attacked the PNP station. Three M16s, one 9 mm, RPGs, magazines, uniforms, a printer, computers, two mobile phones, two base radios, one portable and two hand-held VHF radios were seized in the raid. Firearms were also confiscated from the nearby houses of two policemen some 100 meters from the town hall.

After a little more than 10 minutes of executing the tactical offensive, the comrades withdrew safely. A squad retreated through the vast rice field (which entailed a five-hour trek before they could reach a forested mountain) while the rest proceeded to the major river flowing towards San Miguel Bay. They followed the sea route contrary to what the authorities predicted. The enemy failed to pursue the Red fighters who effectively blended and "disappeared" among the masses harvesting rice.

Apart from conducting intelligence work for about two months before the raid on the Gainza town hall, NPA members were able to establish new contacts with the help of mass activists from consolidated areas. All through the months of expanding contacts, mobilizing the masses for intelligence work and preparing for the tactical offensive, the plan was a well-kept secret.

Ambush of PNP troops at Sitio Dilingkwente, Barangay Kitang, Pasacao, Camarines Sur; October 24, 2000.

The area had long been unattended by the comrades. Nonetheless, the NPA was able to successfully carry out a tactical offensive in the area. Sixteen guerrillas and three militia members waited in ambush in an unpopulated area. Two civilians accidentally ran into the NPA formation but the operation remained a secret. On the second day, a PNP patrol car boarded by the two notorious policemen who were the targets of the operation passed by. They were killed instantly. Two 9 mm revolvers and other military equipment were seized by the guerrillas.

The masses were delighted with the successful conduct of the offensive. They confirmed that the two targets were involved in salvaging, were drunkards and were fond of running amok and firing their guns indiscriminately. To show their elation, the masses even recommended other targets

for punishment by the people�s army. The warm welcome given by the masses served as the stepping-stone for the comrades� return and the advance of mass work in the area.

Ambush of the Bravo Coy, 31st IB at Sitio Patag,Barangay San Isidro, San Lorenzo Ruiz, Camarines Norte; October 10, 2000.

The destruction of an armored personnel carrier (APC) and the seizure of caliber .50 and caliber .30 machine guns constituted a big breakthrough for an NPA platoon. The APC, carrying 18 troops of the B Coy of the 31st IB was destroyed with the use of land mines. Two enemy troopers were killed, six were wounded and ten others scampered while firing away aimlessly backwards. These enemy troops were entrapped by comrades when a squad-size NPA group harassed a squadsize detachment tasked with guarding the PNOC. Expectedly, the troops sent by the 31st IB�s main body to reinforce the soldiers under attack were ambushed by the NPA. Aside from the machine guns, the NPA also seized an M16 rifle, hundreds of ammunition for .50 and .30 machine guns and one URC radio.


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November 2001
English Edition

Editorial: Further advance guerrilla warfare throughout the country!
Some lessons from Nur Misuari�s errors and failure
Points on how MNLF-GRP agreements turned out
The rollback of oil prices is woefully inadequate
On Macapagal-Arroyo�s direct orders: Militarization intensifies in Southern Tagalog
Reports from Correspondents: Sowing terror in Basilan
Prominent cases of human rights violations in Basilan
Most intense military operation in Cagayan Valley in half a decade
The revolutionary movement grows in Catanduanes: When the people�s army becomes one with the masses
Anecdotes behind the tactical offensives in Bicol
The new puppet fascist regime and US imperialism�s strategic interests in Afghanistan
Ang Bayan is the official news organ of the Communist Party of the Philippines issued by the CPP Central Committee. It provides news about the work of the Party as well as its analysis of and standpoint on current issues.

AB comes out fortnightly. It is published originally in Pilipino and translated into Bisaya, Ilokano, Waray, Hiligaynon and English.

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