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Tasks of the revolutionary movement in relation to the reactionary 2001 elections

 Basahin ang artikulong ito sa Pilipino

The May 2001 elections are a reactionary undertaking controlled by the exploitative and oppressive classes. Although they will not directly participate in the polls, the Party and New People�s Army will take steps to effectively intervene in the reactionary elections to achieve revolutionary objectives.

The revolutionary and progressive forces will make use of all opportunities to isolate and resist rabid reactionaries and further strengthen the revolutionary armed movement and mass struggles for genuine social change. Along with this, clandestine and informal means of cooperation will also be undertaken with respect to friendly and progressive candidates in order for them to win in the elections and open the reactionary parliament as an additional arena of struggle.

The 2001 elections will not resolve the intense crisis of the ruling system. Because of relentless conflicts among rival factions, the May elections will most likely be one of the

dirtiest, most violent and most fraudulent in the country�s history. Although it may serve to consolidate the Macapagal-Arroyo regime through the victory of its candidates, intense cheating and violence in the coming polls will definitely result in even fiercer conflicts among rival reactionary factions.

By means of its control over resources, the police and military, the bureaucracy and mass media, the reactionary ruling classes have placed elections in the country under their power. Through such control, the reactionary system effectively removes any possibility for parties or groups representing the interests of the toiling masses to effectively participate in the elections.

The reactionary elections aim to conjure up the illusion of democracy when, in fact, there prevails the class dictatorship of exploiters and oppressors. It is a big deception to claim that the people enjoy democratic rights because they may choose among two or more parties, when only big reactionary parties are effectively able to participate in elections. Providing limited space for some progressives and mass organizations and parties serves to perpetuate this deception.

Reactionary elections are primarily a contest among rival factions of the ruling class to decide who among them would rule and how they would divide the perks of political power.


The central task of the Communist Party and the New People�s Army is to advance armed struggle in order to overthrow imperialist domination and the class dictatorship of the big comprador bourgeoisie and big landlords. Thus, it can not directly participate in reactionary elections.

However, it shall take advantage of the opportunities that the elections will provide to further intensify revolutionary armed struggle, advance anti-imperialist, antifeudal and antifascist mass struggles, further strengthen the influence of the revolutionary movement and broaden the national united front. In particular, it may involve itself in the elections through clandestine and informal means and significantly influence its result, with the objective of isolating and frustrating the election bids of rabidly reactionary candidates and advancing the victory of progressive and friendly candidates in order to work within the reactionary parliament as an additional arena of struggle.

Expose the reactionary character of the elections. We must show the masses that the elections are a political instrument controlled by the reactionary ruling classes and used by them to fortify their rule. We must expose the deception that the elections are a means for the people to enjoy the democratic right to choose who to put in government by exposing the fact that all big political parties possess the essential character of being pro-imperialist and champions of big bourgeois comprador and landlord interests.

The Party and the NPA shall take advantage of the opportunity that the elections will provide to further intensify revolutionary armed struggle, advance antiimperialist, antifeudal and antifascist mass struggles, further strengthen the influence of the revolutionary movement and broaden the national united front.

The reformist and parliamentarist illusion that fundamental social change can be achieved through elections must be expunged. We must expose the theory of evolutionism being spread by the counterrevolutionary "third force" that change can be achieved by gradually strengthening influence within the parliament and the bureaucracy. There is need to clarify the central importance of revolutionary armed struggle in attaining genuine change, which is being hindered primarily by the reactionary armed forces; and the secondary but essential importance of various forms of unarmed struggle�and the primacy of organizing and waging collective mass action compared to all other forms of unarmed struggle.

While there may be various indirect and informal means of enjoining and supporting patriotic and progressive individuals and parties to participate in the elections, the Party and revolutionary forces must make an effort to clarify to them and to the masses of voters the limitations of working within the reactionary parliament and bureaucracy.

Intensify armed struggle. There is need to continuously advance revolutionary armed struggle and shatter the illusion that a peaceful and democratic order exists amid the widespread suffering of the masses and the prevalence of violence and criminality in various levels of the neocolonial state.

Big and small tactical offensives against the AFP and PNP must be intensified continuously. Continue to seize all opportunities to inflict wounds and deal blows against the reactionary armed forces and strengthen the New People�s Army. There is need to continuously broaden the revolutionary mass base in the countryside and advance the antifeudal struggles of the peasant masses.

The people�s notorious enemies must not be allowed to predominate without being held answerable for their grave crimes against the people. Charges against them must be collated and publicized. Resist and destroy their political and armed machineries and campaigns to remain in, or gain, power. As much as possible, carry out punitive actions against them.

There is need to further broaden the implementation of collecting fees for allowing candidates to campaign in territories under revolutionary political power. In our experience, most candidates comply with rather than violate this policy. Violators must be meted appropriate punishment. The policy of collecting these fees may also be utilized to establish tactical alliances.

Use every opportunity to gather arms and other forms of support for revolutionary armed struggle.

Strengthen mass struggles and broaden the united front. The mass movement is in a favorable position to further advance and significantly influence the leading political battles outside and within the reactionary elections and parliament. This depends on the people continuously carrying out street actions and the advancement of anti-imperialist, antifeudal and antifascist struggles.

There is need to continuously assert the people�s aspirations that united them in the EDSA 2 uprising. Foremost among these, we must continuously demand the arrest and prosecution of Estrada and his leading cohorts, especially in the face of legal and political maneuvers to save Estrada from punishment.

Along with this, the Macapagal-Arroyo regime�s anti-people policies and moves must be opposed. We must fight for the interests of the toiling masses, among which are the implementation of land reform and wage hikes and a stop to increases in the prices of oil and other commodities.

Major openings for alliance work shall exist due to intense rivalries during the elections and beyond. Such opportunities must be utilized from the local to the national level in order to further isolate the most rabidly reactionary candidates, block their assumption to power and help progressive and friendly candidates to assume office.

Oppportunites provided by united front work must be used to further expand the the revolutionary forces� clandestine and open linkages and to make the latter serve the further broadening of opportunities to organize and mobilize the masses. To be able to do this in the swiftest manner, openings provided by the elections must be utilized.


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February 2001
English Edition

Tasks of the revolutionary movement in relation to the reactionary 2001 elections
Lacson: Butcher, trapo
Joseph Estrada�s family and cronies continue to move around with impunity
The peace talks must proceed on the basis of past agreements
Free all political prisoners!
A critique of Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo�s model:
The puppet Macapagal regime

Reports from Correspondents:
News from the Cagayan Valley Region

News of Struggle
Ang Bayan is the official news organ of the Communist Party of the Philippines issued by the CPP Central Committee. It provides news about the work of the Party as well as its analysis of and standpoint on current issues.

AB comes out fortnightly. It is published originally in Pilipino and translated into Bisaya, Ilokano, Waray, Hiligaynon and English.

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