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Resist and frustrate the US-Macapagal-Arroyo regime's all-out war!

 Basahin ang artikulong ito sa Pilipino

The Communist Party of the Philippines and all revolutionary forces under its leadership stand ready to confront, resist and frustrate the Macapagal-Arroyo regime's all-out counterrevolutionary war and the US' impending evil plan to wage a war of aggression in the territories of the People's Democratic Government.

Macapagal-Arroyo's declaration of all-out war against the revolutionary movement signifies the rapidly intensifying crisis of the ruling reactionary system and her fear over the revolutionary movement's swift advance. She speaks with overweening arrogance, openly favors militarist policies and shunts aside the peace talks due to US imperialism's all-out support for the AFP and the presence of American troops inside the country.

Macapagal-Arroyo's all-out war is bound to fail. The revolutionary armed movement is bound to reap more and bigger gains in the various arenas of struggle.

This is mainly due to the deep economic crisis besetting the ruling system; and the intense conflicts among reactionary politicians that have resulted in the regime's severe instability as well as widespread discontent among the people. The conduct of all-out war will also definitely lead to the further intensification of the crisis due to the drain in resources. This provokes the military to become even more wanton in violating human rights, which will surely incite widespread anger and people's resistance.

We must sharply analyze and take advantage of such a situation and wage all-out resistance in all fields to frustrate the Macapagal-Arroyo regime's all-out war and the threat of armed aggression from US imperialism.

Unite the Filipino people in resisting the reactionary Macapagal-Arroyo regime and strengthen mass struggles on the following issues:

  • (a) thoroughgoing puppetry to US imperialism, especially in military affairs, including permitting permanent US military presence through the Balikatan series, drafting the Mutual Logistics Support Agreement, allowing the entry of foreign troops in combat zones and blind adherence to US foreign policy that places the Philippines in danger of being drawn into US-instigated wars;
  • (b) pro-imperialist and antipeople policies like the deregulation of the electric power and oil industries that result in the people's intensified poverty;
  • (c) plans to amend the constitution to eradicate whatever provisions remain that protect the national patrimony and economic sovereignty;
  • (d) worsening militarization and brazen acts of repression such as killings, torture, suppression and other continuing violations of the human rights of ordinary civilians, activists and captured NPA fighters;
  • (e) scuttling of the peace talks due to the Macapagal-Arroyo regime's worsening militarism.

The people must be thoroughly aroused, organized and mobilized on the basis of these issues. It is particularly important to raise the spirit of militant patriotism, expose the various aspects of imperialist domination in the Philippines and continually advance the historic struggle for national liberation.

It is likewise particularly important to expose the ruling regime's lack of interest in solving the roots of the civil war through political negotiation and the various maneuvers it undertakes to sabotage the peace talks. Even as we intensify the revolutionary armed struggle, we can also encourage forces desirous of a genuine, long-lasting and just peace to assert the continuation of formal peace talks. This can be accomplished by implementing signed agreements and respecting the framework and agenda for negotiations previously agreed upon.

We must continue intensifying the revolutionary armed struggle. We must consciously plan and launch regular and special tactical offensives we are capable of winning.

We must launch them in the most number of places to force the enemy to disperse fascist troops and thwart its attempts to concentrate forces in a particular area at one particular period.

We must constantly observe, study and analyze the enemy's situation and movements to determine its weak points and other targets of tactical offensives.

The NPA may target electric power lines and towers and telecommunication installations that will inflict calculated damage on big corporations that oppress the people even as it ensures that no civilians come to harm. This may be undertaken especially during the massive deployment and concentration of AFP forces in a certain area. Smaller enemy teams that will be used to guard these installations are vulnerable targets of the NPA.

We must continue acquiring expertise in guerrilla warfare not only to preserve our forces but to launch tactical offensives against the enemy. We must cooperate closely with the masses. We must continue advancing agrarian revolution and strengthen the revolutionary mass organizations.

It is likewise necessary to resist US intervention and prepare for the planned direct armed intervention of US imperialist troops in the counterrevolutionary war. In this regard, we must strengthen and expand struggles against military training exercises, the MLSA approval and the blind enforcement of the Bush government's "war against terrorism".

It is also important to unite with peoples the world over to put an end to US armed intervention in various countries and thwart plans to wage war against Iraq.

It is likewise important to unite with the American people, aggressively expose to them the suffering inflicted on the people by the Macapagal-Arroyo regime's all-out war and the widespread opposition to the presence of American troops in the country. An anti-war movement in the US that calls for the pullout of American troops will be a big help in the effort to resist the US' war of aggression in the country.


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September 2002
English Edition

Resist and frustrate the US-Macapagal-Arroyo regime's all-out war!
US-Macapagal-Arroyo regime's all-out-war:
By orders of US imperialism:
Macapagal-Arroyo regime declares all-out war against the revolution

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Ang Bayan is the official news organ of the Communist Party of the Philippines issued by the CPP Central Committee. It provides news about the work of the Party as well as its analysis of and standpoint on current issues.

AB comes out fortnightly. It is published originally in Pilipino and translated into Bisaya, Ilokano, Waray, Hiligaynon and English.

Acrobat PDF files of AB are available online for downloading and offline reading printing. If you wish to receive copies of AB via email, click here.

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