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Reports from Correspondents:
Tactical offensives continue in Bicol

 Basahin ang artikulong ito sa Pilipino

No less than 19 separate tactical offensives were launched by the New People's Army in Bicol from January to April 2001. These included confiscation of weapons and punitive operations against rabid counterrevolutionaries and bad elements. A defensive situation was also transformed into an offensive.

According to correspondence reports sent by the Romulo Jallores Command (RJC) to Ang Bayan, small but victorious tactical offensives are continuously being launched.

On April 20, Florencio Mu�oz, former mayor of Camalig, was punished. Foremost among his crimes were building an intelligence network against the revolutionary people and movement that resulted in the death of a number of NPA fighters and avidly supporting the establishment of the Palanog Cement Factory, in exchange for a large sum of money.

On April 11, NPA fighters raided the house of a policeman in Barangay Dalupaon, Pasacao, Camarines Sur. SPO3 Edmundo Silapan Mendoza of the San Fernando Municipal Police Station was captured. The NPA, however, released him immediately after explaining matters to him. A 9 mm pistol, three magazines and rounds of ammunition, M16 magazines and other military equipment were confiscated from him.

On March 21, comrades who had been encircled by a section of the 22nd IB Rapid Deployment Force in Barangay Bololo, Guinobatan, Albay, were able to make a safe retreat. Despite being in a defensive position, they were able to fight back and gain the upper hand. One enemy soldier was killed and three others were wounded.

On February 17, the NPA meted the death penalty on Beverly Maslog in Legazpi City. SPO1 Jose Quoremces, who was aboard the same tricycle as Maslog, was also killed. Maslog was active in attacking the revolutionary movement. She betrayed and caused harm to several comrades and civilians. Through a radio program in Albay, she actively called for the surrender of comrades and sowed intrigue against the movement. She also used the names of NPA leaders to collect extortion money for the PNP.

Following are some of the small tactical offensives launched in Bicol, aside from those already reported by AB:

  1. Sniping of Sgt. Roy Brojada of the 16th IB in Barangay Bulacao, Gubat, Sorsogon on March 11;
  2. Ambush of CAFGU member Herardo Salceda in Barangay Buyo, Manito, Albay, and confiscation of his short firearm;
  3. Confiscation of a .22 pistol, a magazine, 19 rounds of ammunition and a telescope from Bo. Cap. Yolanda Imperial of Bliss, Monbon-Irosin, Sorsogon on January 19;
  4. On the same day, seizure of weapons from TSgt. Jaime Borigas, Jr., assigned to the Southern Command in Cagayan de Oro but a resident of Bagsangan, Irosin. Confiscated from him were a .45 and a .22.

NPA raids Camarines Sur municipal hall

Red fighters attacked the municipal hall of Gainza, Camarines Sur at noon of April 27.

Women guerrillas pointed their guns at Gainza police chief Insp. Ricardo Nocos and ordered him and other employees to lie facing down. The NPA confiscated communication radios from the municipal office. Before launching the attack, the fighters were also able to seize an M16 and a 9 mm pistol from the houses of two policemen.


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May 2001
English Edition

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Tactical offensives continue in Bicol
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News of struggle
Ang Bayan is the official news organ of the Communist Party of the Philippines issued by the CPP Central Committee. It provides news about the work of the Party as well as its analysis of and standpoint on current issues.

AB comes out fortnightly. It is published originally in Pilipino and translated into Bisaya, Ilokano, Waray, Hiligaynon and English.

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