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In Nueva Ecija:
Setting disputes among the people

 Basahin ang artikulong ito sa Pilipino

One of the most important matters the New People�s Army (NPA) deals with on a daily basis is how to address issues or contradictions that arise among the masses and how to resolve such disputes through arbitration.

In the first week of March, Ang Bayan interviewed Ka Deo, a leading Party cadre in Nueva Ecija on how comrades in the province fulfill this task.

In the main, it is the people�s government, Party organs and mass organizations that perform arbitration work. In Nueva Ecija today, arbitration functions are exercised by a growing number of mass organizations that implement revolutionary policies in varying degrees. In such cases, all that is left for the people�s army to deliberate are issues and complaints that cannot be resolved at the mass organizations� level. However, in areas where mass organizations are still in the formative stages, it is the NPA that directly deliberates cases for arbitration.

Like other NPA units elsewhere in the country, Ka Deo�s unit deals with an assortment of issues brought before it and resolves them to the best of its ability. Aside from contradictions among the barriofolk, the unit also deals with contradictions between the people and the landlords, and in some instances, with disputes between landlords.

The most common issues that Ka Deo�s unit confronts are contradictions related to land and production equipment among barriofolk, neighbors or relatives. Resolving these issues is a delicate and complicated matter, especially in areas where mass organizations are still weak and the programs and campaigns to advance agrarian revolution that can provide the sufficient and necessary framework for resolving smaller contradictions have not yet made headway.

Such contradictions commonly involve the division of land and water systems, the setting up of fences between farm lands and neighboring houses and the distribution of inherited property. Aside from livelihood issues, Red fighters also deliberate on civil and criminal cases, such as petty theft, nonpayment of debts, swindling and spousal and child abuse, among others. Some issues, such as the designation of tricycle routes to the town centers, involve areas outside guerrilla zones.

In cases that do not involve criminal violations of the rights of others, the NPA aims for a peaceful resolution through thoroughgoing dialogue between the opposing parties. The events are first investigated, the opposing sides heard and those involved called to a face-to-face meeting. They are advised on the means of resolution and given suggestions regarding appropriate resolutions, including compensation.

On the part of Ka Deo and the members of his unit, they make an all-out effort to know everything there is to know regarding the issue and to consider all aspects. They do not harbor absolute notions about either party, nor do they always treat them equally.

Ka Deo gave as an example the division of inherited land among siblings. Although each heir has equal right to the land, Ka Deo�s unit gives due consideration to each party�s needs relative to that of the rest, the type of land that each of them would get and each heir�s capacity to develop the land, among other issues. They explain these considerations to the opposing sides even as they emphasize compromise and cooperation.

...Land and property can be fairly distributed and the contending parties satisfied with the resolution when they receive convincing explanations from the NPA.

In many instances, the opposing parties are satisfied with having had the chance to discuss and explain their side and hear out the other. Feuding neighbors, for instance, can often be happily reconciled through mutual offers of apology. Land and property can be fairly distributed and the contending parties satisfied with the resolution when they receive convincing explanations from the NPA.

In cases involving violations of human rights and revolutionary law, the necessary penalties are imposed, the entire community advised and the correct measures to prevent reoccurrence are put in place.

According to Ka Deo, the people easily accept and implement decisions arising from arbitration because of the revolutionary movement�s prestige and integrity. Thus, the decisions� effectiveness and enforceability depend on the strength and determination of the people�s organizations tasked with carrying them out. In some cases, however, the military and class enemies have exploited the grievances of persons dissatisfied with the results of arbitration and used them against the NPA and the revolutionary movement.

The people submit themselves to arbitration proceedings under the revolutionary movement�s auspices as part of their recognition of the political power upheld by the revolutionary mass organizations and the NPA. It is a stark illustration of the people�s repudiation of the reactionary judicial process.


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21 March 2005
English Edition

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In Nueva Ecija:
Setting disputes among the people
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Ang Bayan is the official news organ of the Communist Party of the Philippines issued by the CPP Central Committee. It provides news about the work of the Party as well as its analysis of and standpoint on current issues.

AB comes out fortnightly. It is published originally in Pilipino and translated into Bisaya, Ilokano, Waray, Hiligaynon and English.

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