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Bush warmongering against Iraq criticized

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US Pres. George W. Bush could not muster the momentum to forge ahead with an immediate attack on Iraq, one of the countries comprising the so-called "axis of evil". Hounded by criticisms, Bush was forced to declare on August 10 that he does not foresee any imminent war plans.

Nonetheless, the hawks within his cabinet--the faction closest to him and that advances his policies--have not let up with their warmongering and posturing. Neither have they discounted the possibility of a US war of aggression against Iraq in the future.

The US is unable to sufficiently justify waging war on Iraq. In 1991, the US used Iraq's invasion of Kuwait to justify its war. Bush is currently using all sorts of rationalizations to justify his plans to invade Iraq anew. He claims that Iraq mass-produces weapons of mass destruction, demonizes Iraqi president Saddam Hussein and repeatedly links Iraq to al Qaida. Lately, the US military has been spreading rumors that Iraq has allegedly provided sanctuary to and coddles some al Qaida members.

In the face of all this, the US' most important allies in the Middle East have refused to give their support. Saudi Arabia refuses to allow the US to use its territory as a launching pad. Jordan is even more active in calling for opposition to the US' military plans.

Likewise, the US' allies in Europe have been raising a furor. Most outspoken among them is Chancellor Gerard Schroeder of Germany. Schroeder issued a direct warning, saying that the US' war plans would destroy the international coalition against terrorism and can only cause unprecedented turmoil in the Middle East. Though he has not spoken a word, Prime Minister Tony Blair of the United Kingdom, who is also Bush's most loyal follower, cannot escape criticism and pressure from his own parliament. Within the US itself, some legislators from congress and the senate and even some persons within the Bush cabinet have expressed their opposition. The United Nations also criticizes and opposes Bush's plans.

Iraq has steadfastly faced all of the US' direct and indirect threats. The Iraqi people are confident in waging all-out resistance against the US' war of aggression, and just as confident that the latter will come to nought the same way that Operation Desert Storm failed in 1991. According to Saddam Hussein, should the US invade Iraq, "the forces of evil will carry their coffins on their backs, to die in disgraceful failure".


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September 2002
English Edition

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Ang Bayan is the official news organ of the Communist Party of the Philippines issued by the CPP Central Committee. It provides news about the work of the Party as well as its analysis of and standpoint on current issues.

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