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Developments Overseas:
US installs puppet government in Iraq

 Basahin ang artikulong ito sa Pilipino

On June 28, the US installed an Iraqi puppet government in a ceremony in Baghdad, and formally dissolved the Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA), the colonial administration that governed Iraq for 14 months. Iyad Allawi, an operative of both the CIA and the UK's MI-6 even when he was still a member of Saddam Hussein's Ba'ath Party, was appointed prime minister.

The US continues to exercise its colonial power over Iraq. Even as it installed Allawi as prime minister, it continues to actively recruit and train the puppet army which will serve as the mainstay of US neocolonial power in Iraq. The US intends to continue to control Iraq's political, military and economic affairs, appropriate its oil and use the country as a base in its bid to dominate the entire Middle East.

As the US seeks to consolidate its neocolonial rule in Iraq, it is in its best interests to maintain occupation troops in the country. Before leaving, CPA Administrator Paul Bremer saw to it that the puppet government could not force out the 146,000 US troops in Iraq. Although the puppet government is already in place, the US Embassy in Baghdad will continue to serve as the center of colonial governance. Newly appointed US Ambassador to Iraq John Negroponte will continue the role previously held by Paul Bremer. Towards this end, the US will assign up to 3,000 personnel who will involve themselves in the puppet government's various activities, ensure the privatization of the Iraqi economy, and carry out economic reforms that would further tighten the grip of American companies in the country.

The US' principal objective is to control Iraq's oil resources and profits. At the same time, the US will maintain its control of all business privileges and contracts granted to the Bush government's favored cronies ostensibly for the reconstruction of facilities destroyed by the US war and the supply of US military equipment to Iraq. The US will see to it that the new puppet regime will not be able to change any of this. Laws have already been enacted regarding corporate operations, which include an outright ban on strikes.

It is clear to the Iraqi people and revolutionaries that only their all-out and widespread armed struggle for liberation can oust the foreign occupation forces and restore sovereignty and peace to Iraq.

Meanwhile, the Iraqi people continue to intensify their armed resistance and expand the united front of revolutionaries and rebel forces that is rocking US rule in Iraq. They continue to rise up despite the relentless massacres, bombings and destruction, and the most intense oppression of the Iraqi people perpetrated by US forces. They are determined to wage resistance to punish the occupation forces and traitors and deprive them of the opportunity to take Iraq.

They attack military and police forces, facilities and logistics, US security contractors and government bureaucrats, the US' allies in its occupation of Iraq and the Iraqi puppet government. The growing number of casualties sustained by the US strengthens the call both within and outside the US for a complete withdrawal of US troops from Iraq. As the crisis of US rule in Iraq continues to worsen, it becomes more favorable for the Iraqi people and the armed revolutionary forces to deal blows on both the US forces and its as yet feeble puppet government. The American troops who now need to be confined to their camps have become easier targets for the armed Iraqi forces.

It is clear to the Iraqi people and revolutionaries that only their all-out and widespread armed struggle for liberation can oust the foreign occupation forces and restore sovereignty and peace to Iraq.


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07 July 2004
English Edition

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Developments Overseas:
US installs puppet government in Iraq
Ang Bayan is the official news organ of the Communist Party of the Philippines issued by the CPP Central Committee. It provides news about the work of the Party as well as its analysis of and standpoint on current issues.

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