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Against imperialist globalization and wars of aggression:
Mumbai Resistance 2004, a success

 Basahin ang artikulong ito sa Pilipino

Mumbai Resistance 2004 Against Imperialist Globalization and War (MR 2004) was launched successfully from January 17 to 20 in India. The four-day gathering was part of persistent efforts to advance a strong global anti-imperialist movement.

Over 1,000 representatives from 310 organizations, parties and movements from various countries attended the meeting to unite on the need to tread the path of militant struggle against imperialism and reaction. On the last day of the meeting, several tens of thousands of members and supporters of the organizations and movements under MR 2004 held a huge rally and marched to the US embassy in Mumbai. They were one on the need to thoroughly oppose imperialist globalization and wars of aggression.

MR 2004 is a contribution to the effort to unite the ranks of peoples oppressed by imperialism and strengthen their opposition and struggle. Within those four days, the voices of opposition reverberated in Mumbai against plunder and aggression perpetrated by US imperialism and other imperialists and their agents against the peoples and many of the world's countries.

MR 2004 comprehensively covered major issues in relation to imperialist globalization, war and class struggle, and the various methods and conduits of struggle towards the realization of national and social liberation. After two days set aside for discussion, the participants of MR 2004 united, pledged and signed the Mumbai Declaration. MR 2004 was held simultaneously with the World Social Forum (WSF) which was also being conducted in Mumbai, to expose the WSF leadership's reformism and compromise with the imperialists. (A news item released in AB's previous issue failed to point out the WSF's true character and the holding of MR 2004 as its counterpoint.)

Many forces in the WSF truly want to resist imperialism. But they fail to realize their objective because the WSF is constantly mired in endless discussions and debates. Their initiatives are stifled because of the absence of internal democracy.

The WSF is dominated by Trotskyites, social-democratic reformists and NGO bureaucrats. They cooperate with operatives of the US CIA and are funded by the Ford Foundation to gloss over the fundamental issues of imperialist plunder and exploitation and obstruct the path of people's militant struggle.

The formation of the WSF was supported and funded by the imperialists as a reaction to the militant anti-imperialist protest actions against the World Trade Organization in Seattle in 1999 and the formation of the militant and anti-imperialist International League of Peoples' Struggle (ILPS) that same year.

In exposing the true character of the WSF, MR 2004 invites forces seeking genuine and meaningful ways of waging resistance to imperialism and reaction to unite in militant action.

MR 2004 identified imperialism as the root cause of the poverty and oppression suffered by the world's peoples and backward countries. MR 2004 believes that it is but fitting for peoples of the world to completely overthrow imperialism.


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21 February 2004
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Against imperialist globalization and wars of aggression:
Mumbai Resistance 2004, a success
Ang Bayan is the official news organ of the Communist Party of the Philippines issued by the CPP Central Committee. It provides news about the work of the Party as well as its analysis of and standpoint on current issues.

AB comes out fortnightly. It is published originally in Pilipino and translated into Bisaya, Ilokano, Waray, Hiligaynon and English.

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