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Israel�s unbridled terrorism in Palestine

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Since March 29, Israel has been launching "Operation Defensive Shield", one of the biggest and most intense attacks on Palestine, to suppress the new intifada (armed uprising) being waged by Palestinians against Israeli occupation. Palestinians have launched a new intifada after Israeli-Palestinian negotiations collapsed in September 2000. Since then, more than 1,500 Palestinians and 400 Israelis have been killed.

Israel has copied and exploited with utmost ferocity the US� "war against terrorism" in launching the renewed attack on Palestine. The Sharon government of Israel has justified its attacks and rampage in Palestine as a fight against "terrorism".

In reality, it is Israel that has been sowing unbridled terrorism in Palestine. Israeli forces have been perpetrating rampant killings and arrests and imposing hardships and sowing destruction in Palestine.

Following are but a few of the striking cases of violence perpetrated by Israeli soldiers against the Palestinian people:

Attacks on refugee camps

Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) attacked, shot at and bombed even refugee camps at the West Bank. In the Nablus and Jenin refugee camps alone, more than 200 Palestinians have been killed, 1,500 wounded and 4,000 arrested and jailed by the Israelis.

Zoning in the West Bank and other Palestinian terretories.

The IDF strictly controls and obstructs the movements of all Palestinians in the West Bank and other Palestinian territories occupied by Israel. There are rampant cases of civilians being tortured, seized and dragged during search operations in buildings and houses as well as arrests and other acts of violence. Even the wounded and the sick are prevented from going to hospitals; doctors are barred from going near them. It is only very recently that the Red Cross, Red Crescent and other international humanitarian organizations have been allowed partial access. Reporters are still barred from approaching the ruined refugee camps.

Massive destruction of facilities, infrastructure and productive capacity of Palestine.

Israeli forces have destroyed everything in their path�-water supplies, electric plants, communication systems, buildings, houses, hospitals and other infrastructure. As a result, the Palestinian people are now suffering from a lack of basic necessities. Israel has destroyed 75% of Palestine�s economic capacity.

Siege on the Palestinian Authority Headquarters

Attacking forces have laid siege to and destroyed the Palestinian government�s headquarters in Ramallah, depriving it of essential services. Yasser Arafat, leader of the Palestinian Authority, is under siege to cripple his leadership and deprive him of any role in resolving the crisis in Palestine.

Attack on Bethlehem

The Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem, considered by the world�s Christians as one of their holiest churches, has also been under siege and being shot at by the IDF despite the strict prohibition by international rules of war of attacks on places of worship. The Israelis have likewise cornered 200 Palestinian security forces, along with 50 priests, monks and nuns, local officials and civilians. Israel gave the Palestinian fighters the choice of surrender and exile or incarceration and trial in Israel. They have chosen to continue their resistance.

Israel turns a deaf ear to the world�s condemnation of its occupation and fascist rule over Palestine. It has pulled back towards the borders of some of the towns it has crushed in the West Bank, but has simultaneously attacked other towns and has launched an offensive against the Gaza Strip, another area of Palestine.


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Ang Bayan is the official news organ of the Communist Party of the Philippines issued by the CPP Central Committee. It provides news about the work of the Party as well as its analysis of and standpoint on current issues.

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