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[Looking Back: A century of US imperialist devastation] Ravages in the time of the US military bases in the Philippines

 Basahin ang artikulong ito sa Pilipino

The prolonged stay of US military bases on Philippine soil from 1947 to 1991 was a bitter continuation of the earlier bloody history of US occupation of the country. This was done with the forcible imposition of imperialist hegemony in the Asia-Pacific and the suppression of the anti-imperialist and anti fascist movement.

In the 55-year stay of the US military bases in the Philippines, there was a long list of crimes committed by American troops against the people. From 1980 to 1987 alone, American troops committed 3,211 cases of abuse against Filipinos.

"COUNTER-INSURGENCY". The presence of US military bases in the Philippines is tightly linked to counter-revolutionary schemes. Towards the end of the 1940s, US military troops were used in the pursuit of the Hukbong Bayan Laban sa Hapon and Hukbong Mapagpalaya ng Bayan.

From 1950-79, about 16,370 Filipino officials were trained under the International Military Education and Training of the Joint U.S. Military Advisory Group. This was part of the US "counter-insurgency" doctrine used in Vietnam on trial in the Philippines. It was a major component of the local reactionary army�s training in the suppression of the revolutionary forces and the insurgent population.

The US also guided and directed the military operations of the local armed forces against the revolutionary forces. Following instructions from American officials at Clark Air Field, in 1972 the Philippine Air Force bombed many areas in the province of Isabela that were suspected as base and operational areas of the New People�s Army. Local and foreign troops regularly joined forces and coordinated on intelligence, investigation and patrol outside Clark Field and other US military bases in the country.

ARBITRARY KILLING. In the first ten years after the treaty to maintain US military bases in the country was signed, 20 Filipinos were killed by US troops stationed in the military bases. In two successive months in 1964, one fisherman and one Aeta were killed by American troops who assumed they were "wild boars". None of the murderers was punished nor was any one of the victims given justice.

ABUSES AGAINST WOMEN AND CHILDREN. Women who worked in the entertainment business catering to US troops were most vulnerable. Many were infected with gonorrhea, syphilis, herpes and AIDS. Many also suffered unplanned pregnancies, forced abortion as well as alcohol and drugs addiction, and were subjected to physical and sexual violence and other forms of abuses. More than 200 cases of rape and other forms of abuses on women filed from 1947-91 in Olongapo City against US troops were all for naught. From 1981-88, 15 cases of sexual abuse against children aged 11-16 were quashed. Most of them were abandoned children of US servicemen who grew up exploited and victims of discrimination. Not a few of them were sold as prostitutes from as early as 4 to 6 years of age.

TOXIC WASTE. American troops left behind a terrible burden of waste and toxic chemicals in more than 47 areas of the former military bases. No less than 300 people living inside the former bases were killed, born with congenital defects, developed cancer and liver diseases and other afflictions due to the contamination of their water and environment from asbestos, lead, nitrate, dieldrin, mercury, benzene, polychlorinated biphenyl, pentachlorophenol and other poisonous chemicals. Instead of cleaning up the bases and indemnifying the victims, the US only promised more military aid to the puppet regime. The US adamantly refuses to answer for its toxic legacy. Up to now, the people continue to suffer the damages consequent to decades of the presence of US military bases in the country.


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February 2002
English Edition

Editorial: Make the Macapagal-Arroyo regime pay dearly
The return: US armed intervention in the Philippines
Further trampling on the sovereignty of nations: Bush Doctrine
On the increased US war budget
Bush doctrine under fire the world over
US military power in the Asia-Pacific
North Korea prepared to resist US aggression
FARC demands pullout of US "Military Advisers" in Colombia
[Looking Back: A century of US imperialist devastation] Previous Balikatan exercises - Violations of the people's rights
[Looking Back: A century of US imperialist devastation] Ravages in the time of the US military bases in the Philippines
[Looking Back: A century of US imperialist devastation] Filipino-American War (1899-1913) The first US imperialist intervention in the country
[Looking Back: A century of US imperialist devastation] Echoes of US armed intervention in Vietnam
Ang Bayan is the official news organ of the Communist Party of the Philippines issued by the CPP Central Committee. It provides news about the work of the Party as well as its analysis of and standpoint on current issues.

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