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AFP propaganda against the NPA

 Basahin ang artikulong ito sa Pilipino

The AFP and the reactionary state are trying to paint a distorted picture of the correct, just and legitimate revolutionary tasks of the NPA to tarnish the high level of prestige enjoyed by the NPA and portray it as a plain criminal and "terrorist" organization to cover up their own sordid reputation. This is part of the enemy's overall counterrevolutionary scheme and lays the ground for more vicious armed intervention of US forces in the country against the NPA. They are now concentrating on the following hate scenarios against the NPA:

"Recruitment of Minors". The AFP accuses the NPA of the large-scale recruitment of minors. The few minors they have captured in the countryside who are part of the revolutionary movement's auxiliary reserve, and even child civilians, are portrayed as NPA combatants. The AFP uses the children they have arrested as fodder for such propaganda, against their wishes and in violation of their rights as children. In 1998, the Party reiterated the policy that the minimum age for recruitment into the NPA is 18 years.

The AFP�s psywar campaign aims to negate the undeniable victory of the Second Great Rectification Movement as well the big advances that have resulted and the higher prestige enjoyed by the Party and the revolutionary movement. The rectification movement has repudiated the anti-infiltration hysteria perpetrated by the renegades and has reaffirmed revolutionary principles in meting out revolutionary justice. Among them are the need to earnestly ascertain the facts, systematically observe the rules of evidence and pass judgment based on detailed analysis and incontrovertible evidence; to comply with proper and just investigation and trial procedures; to grant the accused the opportunity to seek counsel or to defend themselves; to accord humane treatment and prohibit cruelty to prisoners; and to respect life and human rights. The enemy would like to make it appear that the opposite prevails.

"Extortion". The AFP mockingly brands as "extortion" the legitimate policy of revolutionary taxation against class enemies in areas encompassed by Red political power. In many instances, and as exemplified by the recent shenanigans of the 17th and 50th IB in Ilocos and Cordillera, the AFP appropriates the name of the NPA in bogus letters using coarse language and threats against businessmen to fuel their anger at the NPA. If the businessmen fall for the trap, the military officials themselves pocket the money they have extorted.

"Kangaroo Court". The people's court is called a "kangaroo court" by the AFP, a pejorative term that insinuates that the justice system implemented by the revolutionary movement is arbitrary, acts hastily and is all for show. This contradicts the fact that each case is systematically studied, heard, judged and reviewed according to the principles that guide the implementation of revolutionary justice. Apart from their smear campaign against the revolutionary movement, they intend to cover up for the country's rotten and inutile justice system that is skewed in favor of the ruling class and oppresses the poor, and likewise obscure the numerous cases of "salvagings" and arbitrary killings perpetrated by the military and "agents of the law" against civilians, without benefit of any kind of process.

"Political assassinations". The meting out of revolutionary justice on a number of rabid reactionaries proven by the people's court to have incurred blood debts against the revolutionary movement and the people is condescendingly called "political assassinations". The enemy portrays as "plain politicians", fascists and murderers like Col. Rodolfo Aguinaldo, who was meted punishment.

"Kidnap-for-ransom". To depict the NPA as "terrorist", the AFP accuses it of engaging in kidnap-for-ransom. Most people are aware that those who engage and provide protection to groups that commit such crimes-like the Abu Sayyaf-are in the AFP and PNP, not the revolutionary movement.


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March 2002
English Edition

Editorial: Unite the people against the puppetry, brutality and corruption of the Macapagal-Arroyo regime!
Major cases of corruption under the Macapagal-Arroyo regime
Conflicts among reactionaries intensifying and leading to turmoil and violence
A reprise: US armed intervention in the Philippines
Women Against Balikatan
The US war of aggression in Mindanao (1899-1913)
Psywar campaign against NPA instigated by CIA
AFP propaganda against the NPA
AFP black propaganda belied by NPA-Abra
People wage effective resistance against Mining Act of 1995
Fascist state on a rampage
Fascist attacks on Bayan Muna
NPA metes punishment on social menaces in Leyte
Macapagal-Arroyo regime discards peace talks
Ang Bayan is the official news organ of the Communist Party of the Philippines issued by the CPP Central Committee. It provides news about the work of the Party as well as its analysis of and standpoint on current issues.

AB comes out fortnightly. It is published originally in Pilipino and translated into Bisaya, Ilokano, Waray, Hiligaynon and English.

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